• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Epic Fail!!!

I've got an awesome update. I have officially planted my first plants in the ground which all came from seeds from awesome people here on THP.

Thank you to everyone who shared and traded with me.

Here are some pics. They are crappy cell pics, but I was excited to get some pics posted. 29 plants in the ground.


Wow Habcock...you got a lot going on there! You got them cages like a bunch of wild animals! Glad you salvaged your season man! Looking real good...I think, you're right they are kinda blurry. What's up with the upside down cups?
Wow Habcock...you got a lot going on there! You got them cages like a bunch of wild animals! Glad you salvaged your season man! Looking real good...I think, you're right they are kinda blurry. What's up with the upside down cups?

Cups are the dixie cups I had them growing in . I forgot to pick up popsicle sticks to label each plant. I am going to do that tomorrow and remove the cups. I know it looks ghetto right now, but it will be better tomorrow. As of now, I am just glad to be growing for the first time.
I thought you took AJ's Comment to "Listen to your plants" a little too seriously and gave them each their own Dixie Cup phone line! :rofl:
I thought you took AJ's Comment to "Listen to your plants" a little too seriously and gave them each their own Dixie Cup phone line! :rofl:

Might not be such a bad idea after all. The plants are actually at my wifes grandparents house down the street. This might help me keep in touch with them more often.

Now to run 29 mile long strings with receiving cups on my end.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I went and looked at them this morning and they are loving their new homes. I will post update pics this weekend. Hopefully this overcast weather dissipates and the sun comes back to town.