• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
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Epic Fail!!!

Live and learn is my way of dealing with mishaps. Did you water the plants to see if anything would come back? You can check out my glog and if you see any seeds you want send me a PM. Best of luck to ya.

Bet your sweet bippy? OMG AJ, I haven't heard that for a long, long time.
that's laugh in isn't it Patrick?
Yeah, never throw in the towel. And as PaulG suggests upthread, the ones that didn't die could prove interesting.

I didn't look at the other offers closely, but if you want some isolated, original (CPI) bhut jolokia reds, PM me w/ your address.
that's a hard lesson to learn...dang, I am sorry...

with me, once I plant the first seed usually January 1st, I don't leave the house for more than 48 hours and water really good before I do leave...those jiffy pellets dry out way too fast IMO....

+1 this is why I am trying the Compact Plant Trainer System from AGRALAN - its not very big, but I dont grow that much, I bought 2 so thats 98 cells. It has a bottom watering sytem where the bottom tray holds quite a bit of water and when you are ready to transplant the top tray pushes down to pop-up the plug. They are small and stackable. I am having really good luck with them so far. I bought them at Jung Seed and I think Amazon may have them too. Oh, and what I like about them too was they can be cleaned in the dishwasher to reuse for your next set of plants. 5" high x 9"wide x 8" long not big but its only for germinating till pot-up.

Thank you for everyone's generosity. The last three seeds I need to restart what I had is the purple bhut, white bhut and the infinity 7. If anyone has any of these strains let me know if we can work something out.

Again, thank you to everyone for the kindness.


You didn't say if there were some that seed didn't pop in. I am an optimist and would soak with water, put lid on and see. At this point anything would be better. You do still have time to start over.

I went ahead and gave it a try and I have about 6 new sprouts popping up. I guess the multi seed per pellet was a good idea.
Good thing you got it going again its good to see that! I always say that you shouldn't give up on your seedlings until you know they're goners. Next time give them a real good watering and you might see them come back to life. They won't always live but if the stem stands upright again you'll be able to start new growth even if its painfully slow.
Well, as of now, after re-watering the tray I have 3 biker billy jalapeno sprouts, 2 TS Butch T (one from each source), 3 Brain Strain (2 from one source, one from another), 2 Red Rocotto, 1 Purple bhut, 1 Indian Carbon Bhut, 1 CGN21500, 3 Black Naga's, 1 yellow scorp, 1 yellow scorp Sr, and 3 Caribbean Red Habs.

So, it went from a total loss to 21 sprouts. I feel much better now that it's not a total loss. It is really inspiring me to get all of the seeds that everyone offered me up and going. Looks like I just might have a pepper season after all.

:clap: :party: :cheers: :dance:
sorry dont have the strains you are looking for but glad to hear you got new sprouts!!!

No worries. It was awesome that you even offered. Thank you.

I now, thanks to everyone's generosity, have every seed that I started with.

Hopefully these little buggers pop up quick.

Thank you all,
