Espechilis Season 2010

How was the Douglah by the way?

Hot ! But it could have a little bit more flavour. The typical 7Pod flavour was already there, but I hope, it will be a little bit more "dominant" in the bigger pods.

Well, the window-sill has some advantages in the early summer: they get nearly all the light, but it is much warmer inside than outside. At least with this very cold spring/early summer here in Germany this year.

Picked some chilis today:

Salmon, Fatalii, Hungarian Paprika
Numex Suave Orange, Limon, Aji Cristall, Habanero Orange, Yellow 7Pod
Mmmmmmmmm... fresh pods.
Sorry for staying away so long time. Got my own business and it really started running in the last weeks. But here we go..

The next harvest: many different varieties and a good amount of 7Pod Yellows. The first harvest of the 7Pod Yellow is nearly through. Got 2 plants, but the pods look quite different, some a little bit more elongated (on the left), others more like the Jonah (in the middle). Got the seeds for both plants from THSC. Maybe a different strain ?

And here a picture of a ripe Douglah. I fear eating it, so it will stay a little bit longer on the plant.
Hmmm, had there been anything wrong with my pics ? I do not quite understand the last post...

Got a heavy attack by mites. I hope, I got them all killed by using Vertimec. Plants seem much healthier now. Got a little cut-back action this morning, the plants where already growing along the top of the windows.

Well, here is a pic of my latest harvest - hope with the posting is everything fine.
Naga Morich, Orange Habanero, Hungarian Chili, left Trinidad Douglah, right 2 Salmon, down 7Pod Jonah, Peru Scarlet Lantern and Masquerade

Yes, the Douglahs are looking good, but they are lacking of hotness imo. They are not much hotter than a black habanero, and definitely not as hot as the 7Pod Jonahs I have. Seems, something crossed in there - I got another plant from the same seed source where I got red pods, being not wrinkled at all.