• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Essegi 2014: 1st grow! Winter is coming.

Ok, today i decided to plant seeds.
First of all i want to thank who helped me in a thread and Sarge in particular that helped me to decide what to do! :D And Lonewolf from pepperfriends forum that has helped me a lot!

My list, all from Semillas, begin of september 2013:

  • Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red
  • HP22B
  • Trinidad Douglah
  • Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
  • Fatalii
  • Fatalii White
  • Ferenc Tender
I've planted all but Ferenc Tender seeds, i'll plant them next month or in beginning of March. If i'll plant them.
11 per type.
I've treated seeds for 15 mins in a 3% bleach solution then i washed them very well in water before planting.
During that process i lost 1 seed of Trinidad Douglah and 3 of Chocoloate Bhut Jolokia (i suppose 2 of that lost seeds were too tiny anyway).
I've used plastic glasses with an hole:

The soil, specific for seeds (here before planting):

  • PH 6-7
  • C/N 25
  • 0,6 dS/m
  • organic ferthilizer
  • neutral peat 65% volume
  • organic carbon on dry content 35%
  • organic nitrogen on dry content 11%
  • fulvic and humc carbon on dry content 11%
hope the last 4 are translated accurately...

So 62 plants in total. In a 60*100 cm table
  • I plan to grow them all by myself until i have to change the vase.
  • Then i keep 2 per type (12 in total) of them in a 2,4 L vase each (top external diameter 18 cm). It's ok for my table. The rest goes to friends and relatives.
  • Then 1 per type in a 15-20 L vase each and 1 per type in ground. Or all in vases, but probably half on ground. Of course the last vases will go outside, i have a nice spot of 15 m lenght along my house walls that is without wind and quite hot.
Room, that is heating room:

That round thing in the left is warm... I've turned on radiator on right.
Here measured temps in center table:

Considering some parallax error is 27°C or little more (hoping that thing is accurate) which is 81°F
In the night will be lower but i think still above 20°C (68°F)
There's some natural light, hope that helps.
I have to do some funny things for the light, unfortunately at home have prohibited to use drying racks that would have been perfect.
I've a 60*3 watts LED light, nearly 10K lumens. I've found a good price and more than half was a birthday present from friends...

It's the round thing.
Well, no cats or dog allowed in growing room! Hope all goes well..
Quick little update:

Near: 2 ferenc tender and 2 piri piri.
Thy're still little, when planted on ground wetaher has often rained....
Here random shots of other, 4 of 10:


This is probably worst grown plant....


Some low level leaves has fallen... Hope aphids are gone and no more hailstorms, hoping also min temps now go up (maybe growing has stopped a bit cause of low temp in night):
A random shot of other "pets":

Not a great shot, but taken without effort, holdhand and in an uncofortable postiion. Loving new lens!

Forgot to shoot orverwintered 7pod, it's fine... Next time.
Ok, in the end i planted all 10 plants at my aunt's (she lend us for free a tiny plot of land).
Here they have loads of sun, hills are sufficiently far away.
Ordered in shu power: fw, cbj, tsmr, cr, td:

At the moment here we have pumpkins:

And starwberries:


Meh focus....
These are from my aunt:

2 different kind from nepal. My cousin went there then my aunt kept seeds.
Here some random:

My aunt has a very nice spot and much other stuff.
Here some flowers:




Others here: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/26255-photo-album/page-65#entry987026
and there were many others...
Just an OT update, since tomorrow should rain:

So on ice cream:

Too bad it wasn't fiordilatte (fiordilatte ice cream+ fresh strawberries may be the best dessert imho).
And about peppers?
First of all that saturday i'm going to buy a fatalii and a red rocoto plant. I really want these 2 plants.
Then i'll see what the vendor has of interest... Maybe pimenta de neyde and some yellow/orange superhots. Scotch bonnet too, i've never tasted it. But i can't buy too much!:D
And my current peppers seems they're fine.
On back of house i have ferenc tender and piri piri, they seems fine, when they have been put on grund they started to grow better and more green.
Others near my aunt's it's to early to say something bu i can say that: last year i planted some habaneros that didn't grow very big, but it was a bad year (it was cold till end of may). But they made quite a lot of pods. Jalapeno didn't made much. Anyway, my superhots now are bigger than habaneros last year at begin of June...
Soil is very hard and keeps very well humidity. I remember we didn't water for a week that was very hot and full of sun and were still fine.
Wow!  Your photography is amazing!  Beautiful flowers and views.  The plants aren't too bad either ;)   I'll be checkin in more often!  
Thanks guys!
Yeah, that lens are very good, i still must put it to good use!:D
Devv said:
Just can't beat fresh Strawberries!
Especially homegrown!
Even more wild!:D
I remember a year at my grandma, grown strawberries tasted like wild ones (just much bigger). Amazing, never tasted homegrow like that!
2 new additions!!!

I've repotted here because it was in a tiny place. When it's grown a bit i'll put along other on ground.
And a red rocoto:

40cm pot, i plan to overwinter it.
I bought also a 7pod and a trinidad scorpion for friend, just to spread the superhot stuff!
Btw supposed cherry are doing well:

There's also some blooms but they opened too long ago so they aren't good looking.

Ferenc tender and piri piri aren't growing fast, i suppose the place isn't the best.
Here my overwintered 7pod, it's doing quite much flowers:

Here the one at my aunt's:

2 in particular:


They're starting something too:

And here some cherries from a plant of my aunt: