• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Essegi 2015

Here i am with my humble growing!
That year only superhots, there were just too many that i wanted to try.
The seeds, all form Semillas:

I gave 5 of each to a friend of mine. So i have 6 of all but TSMCaramel (7), BrainStrain (5) and Jay Peach (5).
Total 59.
I plan to keep 2 of each + 1 for another friend of mine. If more, giveaway.
Today i started that seeds:


7pod on left (maybe i'll give it to an aunt of mine), rocoto on right. Maybe i pruned it too ealy... I hope that year to harvest something from that one.
Well... Now let's see who germintates...
Since i have no sprout to show i start with some pizza of yesterday.
Tomato passata is homemade from tomatoes of 2014. Also I used fatalli and moruga powder on some. Toppings: pepperoni, bacon, red onion marinated in evo and bp and salt, olives, mozz (thick slices).






Airiness looks very irregular and mostly bad (the third one is the only decent in that regard), at least taste was good.
Thanks all, i'm back now. Soon i must check other glogs!
A small update:
Aji Amarillo has some pods:

I guess they'll be ready on late september or later.
Today's harvest
Another good kg of pods.
Some pods have rot, though i've much more than i need.
Definetly, next year i'm growing just 2 or 3 supers (1 or 2 yellow) and not more. Also, aside using in things like chili or stew, something like Scotch Bonnet or Fatalii is much better imho.
On back uva fragola (strawberry grape). I've seen that is a specie of vitis labrusca that is from eastern north America. It has a really distinctive taste and is really sweet though wine is banned or something like for commercials. I find some on market but it should be a semi chemichal stuff.
az1000 said:
Welcome back
cypresshill1973 said:
You would try make a fermented sauces with that pods. To me never is sufficient to me. Usually I growing 70 plants, 40 of them are superhot.
Wow, that's a lot! I'm growing just 10 supers and even giving away to many people still i have a lot and many have to come.
Good suggestion, i should take a good look to Rocketman guide.
Still, next year i plan to grow 2 supers (yellow 7, maybe Devil's Brain (Judy said to me that this maybe is her current hottest on her sale list with Brown Moruga, also it looks insane) or chocolate Brain Strain, still to decide wich bad boy, nearly more to impress friends than for me :D), Datil, a couple of Pubescens (thinking about Locato and Giant Mexican Rocoto, though that last one will be challenging i think) plus an overwinter or 2.
I forgot to mention it, of all plants seems that BBG7 stopped to produce. Next time i should check if i see flowers.
Thats good! The locotos is a best pepper to cook many meats. It's very flavored and spicy, but no too like chinenses.
Each season I made many bottles of sauces, obviously I don't can eat all. I gift much to friends and relatives. All happy and do what I like
cypresshill1973 said:
Thats good! The locotos is a best pepper to cook many meats. It's very flavored and spicy, but no too like chinenses.
Each season I made many bottles of sauces, obviously I don't can eat all. I gift much to friends and relatives. All happy and do what I like
Cool, can't wait to grow those!

Other harvest over 500g...
Now most plants are with few or no pods, all with many flowers but i fear it's to late for another round.
Peach Bhut have many to harvest, not Moruga Caramel too and Jay's Red some too. Other just a few.

Really cool looking Jay's Red, also decent in size.


So i'm drying my last harvests...
All deseeded bare handed lol in those days.... My hands are dangerous now lol!!!
Too bad i had to trash many pods cause i feared some were starting to rot while i was on vacation and i didn't wanted to risk. Jay's and Bhut were mostly fine, not Moruga Caramel more frail.
Still i have more than i need.
Also i'm lazy, i didn't separate anything, maybe i'll sort colors when dry... I kept apart just Bahamian Goat and MoA to eat them fresh.
Nice haul Essegi!
I like your ghetto dryer :)
I love to sun drying but I'll gift myself an electric dryer sooner or later!
A small update, i've had some very minor harvests.
Today my first Aji Amarillo:

Here with a green sauce and a breaded eggplant:

It's an excellent pepper. Probably the best non chinense tasting for me. Next year i must put plant on ground since seems to grow a bit.
Now i'm waiting for some other pods, from wednesday temperature will drop.
Plants are still doing something... Some even good althougfh chinense are struggling. That week has always been raining, maybe next one will be hotter. I'm waiting for a moruga caramel to ripe that is taking ages...
Today's harvest:

If peppers are starting to ripe i harvest. Now they rot so easily...
A couple of pomegranates from my aunt.
Those are from my garden:

Goat's Weed is appreciating colder temperatures, it's more productive now than in summer.

Peppers from Calabria are maybe smaller but really loaded, i haven't counted but could be hundreds for plants and with many flowers.

This is what i've dried until now.
About 170g i thought it was a bit more.
Unfortunately i can't eat peppers for a while, so i'll give away all to friends and i won't touch anything hot until 2016 harvest...
That year has been great for jujubes too:
Now a recipe without heat, but that thing is good with everything so you can top with pepper or incorporate it in the dough.
Often those are made with spinachs or eggs. Here is the simplest and fastest version and i think it is still great. Those are Spätzle.
To make those you need a tool like this one:

You need just water, flour and some salt.
More or less i've seen that using the same weight of water and flour is ok. Salt just a pinch.
Cook in boiling water (with no salt), strain them with a perforated spoon when they come to surface and put into a container with cold water, wash them a bit, put into another container with a bit of evo. Repeat until it's done.
Here i've eaten them with bacon, red onion and garlic. I've cooked bacon (better with wine), then added onion, after a bit garlic. At last add Spätzle and cook a bit more.
To make all that (make Spätzle, cut stuff, cook ecc) you need just an hour though those are better waiting half of an hour at the end. Use grated cheese as you wish.
Some photos: 



I think everyone should try that it's so good being easy and inexpensive to make (and consider to put peppers with water and flour!).
Nice, both the spatsle and the peppers. I envy your climate with the pomegranate and are they grapes in the colander? I had to google jujubes. Very interesting. 
ronniedeb said:
Nice, both the spatsle and the peppers. I envy your climate with the pomegranate and are they grapes in the colander? I had to google jujubes. Very interesting. 
Stuff in colander are olives. ;) I'm washing them everyday for at least 1 month and half then i'll bottle. Jujubes are really good. Also the plant is growing really well in my garden while others trees are struggling.
Great stuff , I noticed a few pomegranates in your harvest , have you ever used pomegranate in your chili sauces.?
I have about 30 young trees myself and they are beautiful now in springtime.


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Thanks all!
karoo said:
Great stuff , I noticed a few pomegranates in your harvest , have you ever used pomegranate in your chili sauces.?
I have about 30 young trees myself and they are beautiful now in springtime.
Nope, never tried on chilli sauce! Unfortunaltely i doesn't have trees of that, those were from some relatives.
Btw 30 trees are a lot, you'll have good time with those! Yeah, it's really a beautiful plant!
Yesterday i had to throw away dried pods since i found some worms... If they were for me i could have kept and discard when i use, but since i had to give away i didn't want to gift something like that...

Decided to order new seeds from Pepperlover. Soon they should announce something new but i wanted those so i don't really care about new stuff:

Giant Red Stuffed, Locato, Datil, Trinidad scorpion yellow, Trinidad yellow 7pod original strain, Bhut Jolokia yellow, Tepin

I have some annuums from Thayland (very thin and long about 1 inch) also from a friend of mine to get seeds and grow.

So for next year i don't care to have the meanest pods but some yellows that are good! 2016 glog incoming when seeds arrive!