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Ever Wonder If You're Qualified??

My choc hab grew like 4" in a week..I'm scared. It's almost as tall as my fruiting jalapeno now...which is 4-5 months older. Shows no signs of stopping either.

I won't even mention the nagas..they are fighting the orange habs and fatali for dominance.

I gotta 4' floro with a firey forest under it..I'm literally runnig out of room horizontally. They are going nuts.

IDK what I did, but they kicked in overdrive. I got 6-10" plants with 4-6" leaves.

Egads. The structure is beautiful though..near perfect symetry.

The Dorset Naga went from an almost dead runt to a freekin godzilla since June..it's unreal.

I think they sense weakness... ;)