food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

Hey TB, you doing ok today? You seem to be moving slower than normal. :lol: Figured all those preparations would have all ready been done by now. :shocked:
JayT said:

Pepperfreak said:
Hey TB, you doing ok today? You seem to be moving slower than normal. :lol: Figured all those preparations would have all ready been done by now. :shocked:

paulky_2000 said:

Time'ta TB-up!

tsk. tsk. tsk. this after all the times I've posted porn for ya'll it's now come to this....

Bloody Crazy Maria in my glass now. That's a bloody mary with....mezcal!! Crazy!

Tamales are alot of work. Mixing the masa now, then roll them up, then steam them in the pork juice.....takes time but oh so worth it. I am sure I'll have to post pics tomorrow as I'll be totally in the bag...I hope!
roflmao @ TB..

hey you like carnitas and if so, have you cooked them lately?...

I would love a good TB recipe for them...
I don't have a traditional carnitas recipe. For me its garlic, chile's, onion, bell peppers and beef, done up in the cast iron.
Toss in some cumin or cilantro. Seared at first, then simmered until done. Add a little water or chix stock and then some roux for a little gravy. Serve with tortillas, limes, guac, pico de gayo, and more jalapenos.
cool...thanks TB...there is this little mom and pop mexican place right down the road from me that have the best ones I have ever put into my mouth...I took them some poppers earlier in the year and some superhots too...the lady grows some peppers out back but they are in a very wet area...I have "counselled" her on the growing conditions...

wonder if she would share her recipe with me.....hmmmmmm...won't hurt to ask I suppose...
"Hot tamales and they're red hot....yeah, she gottem' for sale...." Robert Johnson.

Here 'tis ya'll. Finally got the mojo workin' and gettin' down brown in The Blues Kitchen. I pulled the pork and seasoned with granulated garlic, cumin, chile powder and salt. I soaked the husks until pliable. I held back some of the pork dripping for the pot I would give the tamales a bath for about 45 minutes. Overall they are easy to make, but are time consuming. mrs. blues helped me rollem' and tie'em while we watched the Giants/Eagles game....

Here 'da Tex-Mex porn....

Poke' in the masa ready to roll...


No explanation needed..


The hotness...


Get your beer on right here for this one....


Get your Tex-Mex 'thang on ya'll.
texas blues said:
I don't have a traditional carnitas recipe. For me its garlic, chile's, onion, bell peppers and beef, done up in the cast iron.
Toss in some cumin or cilantro. Seared at first, then simmered until done. Add a little water or chix stock and then some roux for a little gravy. Serve with tortillas, limes, guac, pico de gayo, and more jalapenos.

Sorry AJ....I hadn't had my coffee yet when I wrote that and I have no idea what I was talking about.
Carnitas is shredded pork just like I do in the crockpot for the tamales. Porkbutt with garlic and spices, cooked slow, then shredded and used for taco's.