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Fade's Grow Log 9 - 21 - 09

Well Here is the first entry of my grow log. Though not nearly as impressive as most others here on the forum, Im very excited none the less. Sorry about the fuzziness of some photos, I only have a the camera on my cell phone at the moment. Also this is my first attempt at growning a pepper garden.



Caribbean Red and Holy Mole: Planted 9-4-09


Chocolate Hab and Bhut Jolokia: Planted 9-4-09


Jalepeno and Anaheim Chili: Planted 8-28-09


White Hab and Red Scotch Bonnet: Planted 9-4-09


Green Sweet Pepper: Planted Unknown


My First Green Sweet Pepper



Yellow Scotch Bonnet or Yellow Hab or Yellow Bukina ???
cool FtB...you make me soooooo jealous knowing what your weather is like...grow like mad my friend...
Thanks AJ!

I have been torn between putting the seedling in direct sun or leaving them in shaded area most of the day. Im not sure if its too hot most of the day in the direct sun. Were still getting temps in the 90's F out in the direct sun. Are there any signs the seedlings will give if the temps are too hot? Right now i have them in the sun and keeping a close eye on them for stress.

Thanks, All feedback welcome!
I leave my seedlings out in full sun to toughen them. As long as they have adequate moisture in their pots they should be fine. Just keep an eye on out for leaf and stem wilt.
Thanks Chilihead, I notice that the leaves kinda go limp while they have been in the sun a while but then they go back to normal after they get shaded. LEaf and stem wilt is when the leaves or stems look like they are getting burned from the sun correct?
Well it looks like I have my answer about direct sun at my location.

I had my seedlings out there for about 6 hours and have noticed some sun burn on a few of the leaves. Also lost 1 Bhut Jolokia which just scringed up and keeled over. This also happened with moist soil so they werent thirsty. So I will keep them in the back porch where they are shaded most of the day untill late afternoon with 1-2 hour direct sun.
Trial and error I guess.
Nice work dude - do yourself a favour though, don't grow plants in see-through containers. Roots don't like light.
FtB...you may want to search the forum for "hardening off"...

this will let you know how to harden your plants and minimize the sunburn/sunscald the hot direct sun causes...

simply put, put them out for an hour, then increase the length in the sun each day gradually...
Badger said:
Nice work dude - do yourself a favour though, don't grow plants in see-through containers. Roots don't like light.

I never knew that, thanks!
Since I havent been off the island since i began this project ive been knida using what I have around the house. The island I live on is only half mile wide by 3 miles long, so I dont have any nursery store or anything like that around the corner. I will be going away to Florida for a week this weekend though. So if anyone has any suggestions on some common items I may need for my plants please feel free to share, as I would like to get everything I can while im there.

Thanks again

BTW I found my digital camera, so my future shots should be much more clear.
do you mind me asking what Island you live on?

I'm looking at a map of the Bahamas now...didn't realize there were so many smaller islands there...
cool man....dang...there is nothing to the east of you except open Atlantic...do you have a boat to get to the mainland and back ?

I'm feelin' a little "Jimmy Buffet" like this morning
You mean the main land of Eleuthera?
I have a 18' Boston Whaler boat which I use for recreation.
As far as getting to Eleuthera which is where the airport is, there are water taxi boats which run everyday.
the Boston Whaler is a fine boat...

back on subject...when you go to Miami, if you get a chance to go to Key West, try to get to Peppers of Key West....great hot sauce shop...

as far as what you need to get...I don't know what you've got so I can't say...
I've been to Key West probably at least 10 years ago and it reminds me very much of the Bahamas. Will have to try and get down there sometime.

As far as what I have, here is a list of what i use. Keep in mind I want to grow most of my plants in containers because I dont have the space in the ground.

Fertilizer: Miracle Gro, Miracle Gro Liqua feed, Mircalce Gro Bone Meal,and Epsom Salt

Containers: 3 Gallon Black containers, small clear plastic ontainers and cups for seedlings

Pest Control: Sevin Spray and Sevin Dust

Planting Medium: Miracle Gro potting mix, Miracle Gro garden soil (in ground use only), Generic cow manure.

Thats pretty much what im working with right now. I dont have any PH tester or thermometers or soil tester of any kind.
You know when I planted the yellow scotch bonnets I went out in the yard drew a line in the clay dirt and sprinked the seeds. Exposed to all the eliments, all I did was water the dirt every now and then. Then about a month later I had 5" healthy plants which I then transplanted into pots. Now that I have these seedlings growing and being babied I seem to be having more trouble keeping them alive lol.