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fermenting Failed fermentation - 4 months in. Warning: ewwwwwww

Back in december 2012, i jarred my Mash 003 - Foxtrot, Foxtrot Needless to say, something went wrong a while back but i let it ride.

Here's what it looks like 4 months in. Looks like hamburger on the top with a massive thick skin over it. It's definately not happy. I'll let this ride for 1 year. Enjoy!


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Dude, only 1 thought comes to mind as to why you want to do that and it involves a little bit of C4, a long piece of Time Fuze and a place that you don't want anyone to go for at least a year or two till the smell clears out.

Well.......I don't have a MA in Microbiology but a good friend of mine was the Chief food Ins. with the C of Chi. If I were to show him that photo...I could see hime lifting up his glasses and saying, "Really?".............seriously.

There's too must head space in the jar. Even with an airlock the bottle needs to be filled up with very little gap.....good luck, but why wait.....it's not going to get any better in the next 8 months.

Start up a new one. In a few months you could have a good base for a sauce.
I have over 24 more different mashes. this was one of my very first attempts. It failed so I brought it to work to watch it grow into a nightmare. I think it's fascinating from a scientific standpoint to see what happens, the chemical reactions, etc.
I'd say that you failed to create an anaerobic environment in that one :P For whatever reason. Mold usually needs oxygen to survive, and you sure have some mold in there! If you would've reduced your headroom you should've been a lot better off. That, and salt halt to make the bacteria like the environment :)

I'm happy that your other mashes went better bro ;)
You took it to work? Now I'm wondering what all your fellow workers are thinking when they see it, we'll unless you work for CSI or some such other place where everyone would be fascinated watching it too :)
Why bring it to the office?
Simple answer - Office wars.
Crack the lid open, hide it in a co workers area, sit back and watch the mad hunt for the offending smell.
Once they find it do this
dude, this is just disgusting. Throw that shiz away. Your coworkers are going to be terrified of any legit sauce you later try to get them to eat.


It reminds me of the commercial for Buffalo Wild Wings where the dude's got the sausage beer. Ew.