Fake Pepper X seeds missing

Be careful what you wish for. If Pepper X actually does dethrone the Reaper, I expect that the "marketing and bullshit" will increase exponentially. The Reaper is old news at this point, but Pepper X taking the title would give Ed a new pepper to hype up.
But yeah, I agree that it would be nice if someone else got a turn at the top. Personally, I would love to see the CP115 take it. I haven't tried it myself, but based on the reviews I have seen it is certainly hot enough to be a contender. And after everything that Christopher Phillips has done for the community, it would be super cool to have one of his creations take the throne. 
BlackFatalii said:
Be careful what you wish for. If Pepper X actually does dethrone the Reaper, I expect that the "marketing and bullshit" will increase exponentially. The Reaper is old news at this point, but Pepper X taking the title would give Ed a new pepper to hype up.
But yeah, I agree that it would be nice if someone else got a turn at the top. Personally, I would love to see the CP115 take it. I haven't tried it myself, but based on the reviews I have seen it is certainly hot enough to be a contender. And after everything that Christopher Phillips has done for the community, it would be super cool to have one of his creations take the throne. 
You think the reaper would be old news by now but there's so many new members over on PLC that are growing it. 

I don't think the novelty surrounding the hottest pepper is a good thing at times, it tends to give novice growers stars in their eyes about having the worlds hottest in their garden. I don't think they even realize what they're growing or cared to research the genetics, flavour, etc. They only care that it's the hottest and it looks cool, not considering that it might be practically inedible to them. I grew it out one year and it was a big disappointment. The largest plant I've ever grown but it had only 5 ripe pods by the time frost came  :think: . I've since blacklisted it from future grows as there's other super hots out there that I know have solid genetics, better taste and are for all practical purposes the same level of heat. 
I don't like that the Reaper and Pepper X are shrouded in such secrecy, controversy and marketing wank. Why is it all needed? Seriously, it all makes it look like Ed has something to hide despite being shit proud of his peppers. For the sake of the chili growing community I'd love to see someone dethrone him and show exactly how they did it. I think it should be driven by a love of growing, tasting and breeding not seen as a chance to commercialize and make a pile of money.
Winegums said:
I don't think the novelty surrounding the hottest pepper is a good thing at times, it tends to give novice growers stars in their eyes about having the worlds hottest in their garden. I don't think they even realize what they're growing or cared to research the genetics, flavour, etc. They only care that it's the hottest and it looks cool, not considering that it might be practically inedible to them.
You make a very valid point. But at the same time, if the Guinness title and the buzz surrounding it sparks more interest and gets more people into the hobby then it isn't all bad either. Let the current title holder serve to draw new growers in. It can be their "gateway" superhot, even if it really isn't a great variety for them to grow from a practical point of view. Once they discover the rest of the online community, they will have their eyes opened to all the different pepper varieties that exist, and they can start exploring the world of peppers from there.
As far as the secrecy and controversy surrounding both the Reaper and Pepper X making it look as if someone might have something to hide, well I have to agree. It does give that impression. It would be nice to have a Guinness title holder with a clear and certain lineage, free of all the smoke and mirrors. But for now at least, we have what we have...
BlackFatalii said:
You make a very valid point. But at the same time, if the Guinness title and the buzz surrounding it sparks more interest and gets more people into the hobby then it isn't all bad either. Let the current title holder serve to draw new growers in. It can be their "gateway" superhot, even if it really isn't a great variety for them to grow from a practical point of view. Once they discover the rest of the online community, they will have their eyes opened to all the different pepper varieties that exist, and they can start exploring the world of peppers from there.
As far as the secrecy and controversy surrounding both the Reaper and Pepper X making it look as if someone might have something to hide, well I have to agree. It does give that impression. It would be nice to have a Guinness title holder with a clear and certain lineage, free of all the smoke and mirrors. But for now at least, we have what we have...
Oh, I agree that it's good for the community to have more people growing different peppers because of the worlds hottest. As "gate way" peppers, I'm sure that Ghosts, Reapers, and Scorpions have all drawn in their fair share of people to the hobby. 
Ghaleon said:
I understand that people get excited but if people would just clam up until their projects are actually complete, this sort of thing wouldn't happen.
How else will they make lotsa bucks from a few pepper seeds when released?
Happens with other stuff too. Fans start making a fangame and talk a lot about it and get a cease and desist letter and then nobody gets to play it.

Had they completed it, put it online and then talked about it, there'd be nothing anyone can do.
I care because it affects my livelihood. I've eaten at least 3 strains that were hotter than any of Ed's creations but his get the attention because one of them has a fancy award.
It's stupid and I'm real sick of the guy but I have to play along, you know?
spicefreak said:
I care because it affects my livelihood. I've eaten at least 3 strains that were hotter than any of Ed's creations but his get the attention because one of them has a fancy award.
It's stupid and I'm real sick of the guy but I have to play along, you know?

So....HOW is the Carolina Reaper holding the Guinness World Record f*cking with your life? Unless you personally have a hotter strain of your own and just don't have the money to get it tested, I can't see how this is affecting your livelihood.
We're just talking about FOOD, man...
So I actually grew some of these so called stolen pepper x seeds. I knew it would probably be a hoax. I just sent some pods to a reviewer and his opinion is that they are most likely NOT pepper x. (If pepper x even really exists, which I’m on the fence about ).
They were hot, but not record breaking hot. That leads me to think that these were actually the mustard C3PO after all.

Here’s the video:

. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180830/9d7839c94c15bd0d1f0eea735a5eaab9.heic

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ghaleon said:
So....HOW is the Carolina Reaper holding the Guinness World Record f*cking with your life? Unless you personally have a hotter strain of your own and just don't have the money to get it tested, I can't see how this is affecting your livelihood.
We're just talking about FOOD, man...
He's saying that the buzz surrounding the s'posed World's Hottest title-holder affects his livelihood... I, his work involves the chile biz, so he needs to be up on pepper current events. Discussions about the Reaper, Pepper X, and any past or future title-holders are inevitable, when you make your money in this game.

Like many other ppl who make money from chiles and chile products, as well as hobbyist growers and spice enthusiasts, it seems like Spice freak of frustrated with the secrecy, apparent ethical struggles, and outright lies associated with Puckerbutt products. There's a fair amount of bullshhh in any business, but it seems like that one particular firm is providing most of the current crop of pepper bullshhh...

Edit- not tryna put words in your mouth, Spicefreak, but that's what I took from your posts on the subject
I just wish flavor would take priority over heat. If Reapers tasted bad like some super intense form of Tabasco peppers, I'd want nothing to do with them.