Fake Pepper X seeds missing

BlackFatalii said:
I think he might actually have been referencing this statement on the Guinness site:
"His record-breaking Carolina Reaper - which is a cross between Sweet Habanero and Naga Viper chillies - took ten years to perfect."
Ed has made conflicting statements about the original cross in various interviews, including a claim that it was a cross between a red habanero and a "Pakistani Naga", but now we indeed seem to be back to the Naga Viper claim.
Funny thing is, the Reaper won the title in 2013. If it had taken "ten years to perfect", that would suggest that he did the original cross in 2003, which to my understanding was long before the Naga Viper even existed. So... time travel confirmed?  :rofl:
I suppose nobody knows for sure-- i suspect that Ed´s been living a lie so long that even he has lost touch with the truth-- but the theory i subscribe to is that Ed never made a cross to ¨create¨ the Reaper.  I think that Troy crossed a 7SR with a Naga Morich, gave some early-generation seeds from that cross to Ed, and what Troy ended up selecting from that same line eventually became the Primo....while at the same time, Ed spent more time on bogus origin stories then he did on setting particular traits or stabilizing the line, but he brought the Reaper to market anyway.
But hey, at least he´s mastered time travel. 
The fact that Ed can't stick with one origin of the Reaper is bad enough, but then to claim one that simply cannot be true is a whole new level. Naga Viper was given the title in 2011. But even then it had not been around for 8 generations. And we're expected to believe that Ed used it in a cross 10 years prior to 2013?!?!?!?!
It is pure bull$h!t. But it makes me wonder, what else have we been told, and accepted, but in reality, it too is bull$h!t?
Either way, I have very little faith in Ed, and especially in Pepper X. After the delays, and now it seemingly not taking the title any time soon, and then this bull$h!t from the Reaper, I mean, if there's this much crap from the Reaper, which is a pretty solid variety that's been around for a good 5 years, how can we believe anything we hear about Pepper X? We don't even know what colour it is for sure! Its originally said to be mustard, hence the mustard sauce, but then the sauce changes colour? And its put down to the peppers ripening?!?! Is it mustard or not?
I'm really sick of the whole experience with The Hottest Pepper and the record and all that jazz, but yet I can't look away.
If anyone wants/needs fake Pepper X seeds, HMU.  I'll pack you some Early Jalapeños and/or Orange Habs, in little ziploc bags.  I´m also willing to tell you some boring, unbelievable, and easily- disproven stories about the seeds if you´d like, but that´d cost extra.  It´ll be fun!
To add to the conspiracy, what a huge coincidence that within days of Ed resealing the title with the Reaper, the Reaper is all over the news because some dude ate one and got a thunderclap headache. What great timing to advertise his new and improved money maker!
I saw on the Primo site that he's selling Creeper powder....
I'm thinking he's keeping a real tight lid on it until he's got it where he wants it, in terms of stability, and any kind of testing and all to see if it's gonna be a contender.  Can hardly blame him, considering that one popular Reaper origin story...
rickster said:
i talked with troy at zest fest about the creeper and he said he wont be releasing the pods anytime soon, just powder.
Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone seen AJ Drew lately? It looks like he hasn't been on this site since early April, which is unlike him. I know everyone is busy with pepper season, but I just realized today that no new, weird threads were being born.
AJ Drew said:
Everyone knows The Magical Unicorn Toe Pepper is the hottest pepper in the world.  All the other claims are limp.

midwestchilehead said:
Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone seen AJ Drew lately? It looks like he hasn't been on this site since early April, which is unlike him. I know everyone is busy with pepper season, but I just realized today that no new, weird threads were being born.
He’s been active on his Facebook account.

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