BlackFatalii said:
I think he might actually have been referencing this statement on the Guinness site:
"His record-breaking Carolina Reaper - which is a cross between Sweet Habanero and Naga Viper chillies - took ten years to perfect."
Ed has made conflicting statements about the original cross in various interviews, including a claim that it was a cross between a red habanero and a "Pakistani Naga", but now we indeed seem to be back to the Naga Viper claim.
Funny thing is, the Reaper won the title in 2013. If it had taken "ten years to perfect", that would suggest that he did the original cross in 2003, which to my understanding was long before the Naga Viper even existed. So... time travel confirmed?![]()
Jeffcontonio said:So the latest one is the reaper has been beaten... by the reaper. They upped the average SHU rating on the record and called it a new record.
Mildfruit said:Talking about possible world record breakers, does anyone know when Troy will release the Louisiana Creeper?
rickster said:i talked with troy at zest fest about the creeper and he said he wont be releasing the pods anytime soon, just powder.
AJ Drew said:Everyone knows The Magical Unicorn Toe Pepper is the hottest pepper in the world. All the other claims are limp.
He’s been active on his Facebook account.midwestchilehead said:Not to hijack the thread, but has anyone seen AJ Drew lately? It looks like he hasn't been on this site since early April, which is unlike him. I know everyone is busy with pepper season, but I just realized today that no new, weird threads were being born.