chinense Fam. Not impressed with morugas or butch t !

Birdtongue: The coined term when you are not able to detect the burning sensation caused by the capsaiacin alkaloid present in chili peppers.
Funny this board has developed into a board of oh man.
Cannot post anything anymore without being called out................might be time to take some time off here TEX..

See on the OTHER place

Aman brother, in fact i think some of the attuides here been stinking with the crap they post. Makes me want to come back here less and less everyday.

Grilled butch t


Is that Skirt Steak? Whatever it is, looks good. Need some cold beer though!
You had to have cooked the heat out of them for your family to eat them like that. Your bro almost died with a fresh one lol!

+2 above, steak looks great! I'll bring the beer =)
I cooked some scotch bonnets, not a butch t by any means, with some butter and onions, wrapped in foil, on the grill Sunday. Just left the onions with a rich pepper taste but almost no heat. Even the kids were eating them.

Maybe after a while some of the heat of a pepper cooks away.

Just a thought.

Hopefully some of the recent changes THP has made can bring some decorum back to this place. Constant sniping at one another is counterproductive.
Well I made some poppers with sco/moruga and with the bacon wrapped on the pepper all the oil goes into it and it will still bring tears and a buzz!
Just looking at his peppers they are right on so who knows maybe him growing up and raising his family on all peppers they handle it!
I ate tobasco as a kid on everything from eggs to tater chips but I still get burnt on the super hots but can't stop eating them! giving the benefit of the doubt here! but I also have grown peppers that matured fast and they were not as hot, so next time you think you are going to pick them cut the water back for 2 weeks before and stress that plant then you will get the bombs you want!
Those of you who are getting all pissy about not being believed, stop and think a second. You are posting some pretty hard-to-believe claims. I'm not calling you a liar, nor is anyone else here, (I think) but you need to realize something. If you post hard-to-believe things, people are going to be skeptical. As well they should be, with all the bullshitters out there. If you are telling the truth, you and your family/friends have a RIDICULOUSLY HIGH tolerance for heat. Understand that that's not very common, and the skepticism is warranted. Someone that comes out and makes a statement along the lines of "the hottest chiles in the world are child's play to me and my family" is bound to catch some flak.
Well Balls , I must say that I totally agree with you
Iam by no means trying to take the crown from the moruga or butch t . I had a whole 7pot red
From my plants and it was retarted hot I couldn't
Swallow it , had to spit it out it was so crazy hot.
Now I also had my first moruga and it was crazy hot as well , I stated that on one of hotpeppergirlalabama's thread . Now cookout day
And I thought I'd take some morugas and butch Ts to spice up the party , so were sitting there haveing bbq and drinking lonestars , and there you go folks the hottest and second hottest in the world , they smile and start to chomp down at this time I cant stop looking at ther faces . So to my surprize no one is expressing pain or swetting
Among 80 guys ther they go through 8 morugas and 12 butch ts ..... I eat one of each they were really hot but not uneatable I like I seen on youtube reviews . Iam just telling Y'all what I saw
Iam trying to find out what happend thats why I posted , all opinions are welcom , but when it turns to yer bullsh.ting us prove it , and guys calling our party a rainbow party and that thers LSD going around thats where I have a F.en problem ! I have read up and down this forum , when have you guys seen me state stupit coments
On anyones thread ? If I have nothing nice to say or Iam a non beliver I move on ... Very simple .
I do want to apoligize to all the forum members for my language . If you wana call me out on anything I post or claim , I will never backdown ..
I just think the right way to do it is by PMing .
Its just funny how the person who got offended by a cuss word , was cussing one of our newest members before this incident. I was thinking of sending any nonbeliver one of my butch t and one moruga pod for a review but thats only gana prove .... What all of us already know , that theres hotter pods than others even from the same plane and that theres some of us with higher heat
Tolarance than others !

Yer Friend !

8 guy there sorry not 80
Omar forget the hater love the family Guy must been having a bad day I mean I dont curse or anythingI just try and over look it dude comp
laining dident change what you said did it ? i actually got made fun of at work today because I used to freakin poop load instead of f-n sh loads of stuff a guy a work laught and quoted you but hey no offense just roll with the punches LOl
Sorry if my original comment that you must not have what you think you have offended. Guess I have seen too many "Why aren't my bhuts hot?" posts. When they finally gets pics up you see a carribean red hab or something. On the bright side, those 8 people now will really enjoy a couple fresh nongrilled pods even more willingly. Then you should be able to see the faces you were expecting.
Sorry if my original comment that you must not have what you think you have offended. Guess I have seen too many "Why aren't my bhuts hot?" posts. When they finally gets pics up you see a carribean red hab or something. On the bright side, those 8 people now will really enjoy a couple fresh nongrilled pods even more willingly. Then you should be able to see the faces you were expecting.
I was not offended by it buddy , cuz the seeds came from a very respecful vender ,we have all at one point or another bought our seeds from.
Did your dad try one? H says he is a real sissy when it comes to hot stuff. Says a jalapeno lights him up :onfire:
hell no he will not try anything hot cuz of his acid refex , nor my brothers ... ONLY mom and my self.
At the reunion 4 uncles on mom's side and 4 cuzins on dads side now they can really eat heat !
Hey woody you should see my aunt eat spoons full of dave's insanity as A snack , thats crazy .
Now I like heat and spicey food but theres got to be some flavor ...heat by its self
Hell no . You tryed that salsa I sent ya ... Heat and flavor right ?
The 7 pot brown was a killer to me and I have a very high heat tolerance!!! But ya, The ButchT and Moruga esp Moruga should be face melting hot, So it seems maybe you watered the plants to much and or they werent getting enough sun? I make sure the ghost plant that has pods only gets water when it starts to wilt. and that it gets plenty of sun/ hps light. I recently tried an unripe pod and it was pretty damn hot!