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family guy 'freakin sweet'

the simpsons good, futurama make more, but family guy beats them all this is pure class, ok its not pc but thats a good thing the humour hits places other fear to tread and no matter how many time i see it and think seen this one i'll still crack up.
I've got nearly all them on dvd and i love em all.
Any more peter fans here (i know there must be a few)
Gigidy gigidy!
See, at first I was "Yaaa Family Guy" but now I watch it and say, "ugh...Family Guy", it's really low brow constantly with the same gag over and over and over and over again. The novelty ware off very quickly for me.

For me, Simpsons still gets me every time I see it.
it vice versa with me i find the simpson very samey, i still like it though but family guy on matter how far in the gutter it is still makes me crack a laugh
I've been watching the simpons since i was knee high to a grass hopper and it still manages to make me laugh.....

I like futurama as well..

The family guy has never really reeled me in, but i must say there are some funny parts to it.
I love Stewy, the evil little bastard and I share some DNA I think.
My other fevourites in order are 1.Futarama (Bender is cool) 2.Southpark (those writers get away with murder)3.Simpsons (Who doesn't like Homer?)
There is another one called "Drawn together", I don't get to watch that anymore though :(

All in all you are never to aged to enjoy cartoons, i still enjoy the oldies such as the Road Runner and Yo Samete Sam (spelling).
I love my Family Guy and American Dad. Although the Simpsons used to get very tiresome after seeing the same eps on telly over and over again the ones being shown lately have had some very classic momments in there.

For example last night, Homer was driving his ice cream van and was giving the sticks to Marge only to say 'This is the most fun I've had giving you wood.' - Pure gold!

I'd still have to say American Dad is my current fav.
I watched that episode last night as well...

I was pmsl at the part where is forces a lactose intolerant kid to eat the ice cream cause he says that no one should miss out on ice cream.....Homer is a classic....
I like Family Guy, but nothing beats the Simpsons. JMO! They are showing two episodes daily and I watch them every time! I also like Futurama, South Park, American Dad and Robot Chicken!
There's a Futurama movie in the making? REALLY? Wow, that's great, I just hope it'll be better than the Simpsons movie that seemed like a 20 min episode stretched to 80 min movie.
I like Family Guy a lot. I never liked the Simpsons at all though. A while back I watched an episode, and I finally got the jokes. It's probably got something to do with me not knowing 3 words of English when it aired regularly.

I haven't watched Family Guy lately, but I didn't get bored with it. I rarely think a comedy series is actually funny anyway, it usually just entertains me.
Family Guy is great, and there are a lot of RI references that some people probably miss.

The Simpsons was funny when I was a kid. In the late 90's it started to feel really repetitious and trite. It was terrible for a few seasons, then when it came back, it seemed like they were trying to be edgy due to the success of South Park, but falling FAR short. It was like they wanted to push the envelope, but didn't have the balls to do what South Park did. Or maybe they were afraid of looking like Johnny-Come-Latelies. Either way, the Simpsons never recovered. Like SNL, the first seasons were so good that people keep watching, hoping it'll come back to it's former self. But it won't. I do want to slap SNL and Simpsons fans, because it just seems like brand loyalty at this point. But unlike NVidia or ATI fanboys, the product is not worth fanatics.

Futurama is great, especially for dorks. All the philosophy, math and physics references interspersed with enough absurdity to make it not mentally taxing... Great stuff...

Robot Chicken is good, but I have to be in the mood for it.

The Brak Show and Aqua Teen Hunger Force are my current favorite cartoons. As I get older my taste for absurdity grows, and nothing delivers like Brak or the Aqua Teens. If it isn't ridiculous to the point of incoherence, it's not funny.
klyth said:
The Brak Show and Aqua Teen Hunger Force are my current favorite cartoons. As I get older my taste for absurdity grows, and nothing delivers like Brak or the Aqua Teens. If it isn't ridiculous to the point of incoherence, it's not funny.

If you like The Brak Show then i'd have to assume you were a fan of Space Ghost Coast-to-Coast.
Sickmont said:
If you like The Brak Show then i'd have to assume you were a fan of Space Ghost Coast-to-Coast.

Thats funny, but I wasn't. The pace of it was way too slow for me. I did enjoy all the awkward moments, but I can't watch it for more than a few minutes - it seems like the whole time I'm waiting for something to happen that just never does!!

Space Ghost, as a character, is very funny. But I just didn't like the show much.