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Fatali Gourmet Jigsaw

Maybe he only has a limited supply. We did not see a certificate from the Carolina Reaper either, I hope both will be published soon.
Yeah it would be hard to supply the world, with enough seed or powders to satisfy the demand, as for papers well the Carolina Reaper needs to get theirs, so that all the trolling thats going on will stop. But getting one will take a lot of cold hard cash, so I don't look to see it for some time either. What is needed is a better way to test peppers to see just how hot they really are. Right now the science behind the testing is fairly old, and a new and cheaper way needs to be explored. As it is no one is willing to kill the golden goose when they can make more money than Bill Gates.
This is what it comes down to, if you don't have a sheet that is printed out showing the test done and the actual scoville units of the pepper, you could be god for all I care, do not get on line advertising your creation as the hottest. It is false advertising without proof and he is just trying to make a buck. Doesn't matter how good of a grower he is. How long he has been growing. It comes down to those who want to unseat the moruga scorpion, make a pepper, pay for the lab tests and then come and claim your crown. Otherwise say I have one ****ing hot pepper here and it is for sale and you be the judge. Do not advertise as the hottest.
I sincerely hope the guy has a winner, hope he makes enough money to retire some place and grow all the peppers he wants. I'm just tired of the hype. Like Dan said above, if you're going to claim it's the hottest then back it up. If that bothers the grower/seller oh well. They can thank the folks behind the Reaper for my attitude.
I got reaper seeds and I think I have some germinating but what does that have to do with anything? I got it to try it and someone was kind enough to send me free seeds. I did not know until this thread that people claimed the reaper was the hottest in the world. People been comparing it to the primo so i got primo seeds and reaper and intended to grow it to see the similarities.
The reaper was extensively advertised as the world hottest without any documentation, and still none months later. Seeing your outburst, I figured you would not be growing them........
Oh well I didnt know that. Sorry if my outburst was unwarranted but we we should have figures before we believe anything. test done at a reputable lab. Everyone wants to make the hottest pepper but no one wants to pay for the tests to prove it...
You might want to research the reaper on this board. Look for locked threads. You might find more to be angry about.
I got reaper seeds and I think I have some germinating but what does that have to do with anything? I got it to try it and someone was kind enough to send me free seeds. I did not know until this thread that people claimed the reaper was the hottest in the world. People been comparing it to the primo so i got primo seeds and reaper and intended to grow it to see the similarities.

I'm doing the same. I bought 2 packs of reaper seeds and got bad germination, so I went out and bought 3 more packs. Its funny, I had told the seller that I had bad germination on the first batch, but got just 1 seed less per packet than the first batch. Germination wasn't any better, but I at least have enough plants to play with now. My first reaper flower looks like it will be opening within the next 2 or 3 days, so at least I will have fresh peppers and seeds by middle of April. I also got a nice batch of primo seeds directly from Primo. They germinated much better and have more plants from about 30 seeds than I got from 50+ reaper seeds. I promised Primo I would grow some side by side and will compare them. If I think I have some really hot peppers worth testing, I'm thinking about having them both tested together to see how each compares in a side by side test. I will of course, bring them both to hot pepper night for the whole bar full of people to compare as well. For me, any of these people can say they grew the hottest pepper in the world, but it all comes down to how they grow for me. I also go for taste and will always be looking for a hottter pepper that tastes better as well. So far, for a combination of heat and taste, the red brain strains are the king for me, but I have the reapers, primos, and douglahs coming along for this season to see which might be better. I was promised the reaper also had a really good taste, so time will tell. Tom
Fatalii.net is a great site...I love his selection. Only time will tell on these yet to be official record peppers. I ain't getting upset either way...Will be fun to watch another hype train...and the grow threads and the video taste tests that follow. This won't end...there'll always be a new seed on the block begging someone to pay a $1+ per seed premium to grow it out the first season...then everyone will have more seeds than they know what to do with and their price and potential for profit shrinks to a reasonable level. Hope they live up to their claims on both counts. Night all...
I also think FG Jigsaw is a horrible name, and saying that this is the hottest pepper ever without any official test is just meh. But the main difference between this and Carolina Reaper is that Fatalii is not offering seeds atm. Maybe first he wants to prove his right with an official test, or he wants to be the only grower of this variety (Seeds for this variety might be available sometime later). Only time will tell.
The pepper's name is irrelevant, that is strictly the creator's choice, and I am fine with that. Proper documentation of "world's hottest" should be a legal issue, as in false advertising.

Look at this guy's page, he IS a tremendous grower, his greenhouse\hydroponic photo are some of th best plants I have ever seen.

Hopefuly he will follow through and prove his pepper is the hottest.

Atleast he is not kicking out unstable seeds, at least not yet.
Name alone proves he is not trying to deceive anyone. No rabid proprietors,chile hype men,or youtube stuntmen making people sick either. He didn't claim a "world record"..... isn't that why most folks had their panties in a bunch before? I don't know him from Adam,and not putting him on a pedestal but this guy has contributed more to this great hobby than 99.9% of this forum combined! He is respected by legends of the chile world,not just lowly backyarders like myself. Spend some time on the site and enlighten yourself. By the time you get through it all he may have some news or results.
Geez mas hype … Who cares if you’re pepper is one SHU point higher on the Scoville scale. The only thing I would care about is does it taste better than *insert your favorite tasting pod name here*

Possibly I’m wrong, the tear gas manufacturers probably care ;)