yellow bonnets wouldn't meet your heat requirement that you are looking for but they are very tasty and have a nice aroma, once you cut open a yellow bonnet you will never forget its essence and once eaten, your new bench mark for all other peppers will be the yellow scotch bonnet. it is actually quite difficult to describe its flavour as it can have the mild chinense undertone but tastes nothing like a habanero - that was my first impression of a bonda ma jacques, it reminded me of "hab". but, i am growing bondas for 2014 to replenish seed stock and to give myself a memory reminder.
i have 3 variations of yellow scotch bonnets: jamaican, foodrama and one i call bashas(the grocery store where i purchased them).
my favourite is the jamaican for bonnet shape and taste. foodrama produced a lot of peppers and the basha strain produced the largest of pods but no bonnet shape. all are very hardy plants i had to kill off some of the bashas as i am completely out of room for 2014 seedlings and they just keep growing and are my best looking overwintering plants.