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Favorite Cooking Shows?

hogleg said:
I'll SHOW you :dance:
Hey, where's the boss when you need him?  Isn't there something in the THP UA that says you can be banned for posting Bieber vids?
(Oh shit - I just indirectly posted one!)
Moved to the top of the list, after watching the first 5x episodes yesterday:
The Next Great Hamburger
Each episode was a like a burger-off between Booma, FB, and JHP ...
There's a Budweiser brewmaster in-house, so they must be a sponsor, but nothing too obstrusive ...
The tall host throws in the funnies, the occassional crass or sexualized joke, and the shorter dude is on-point re: the burgers ...
The smaller guy, Joseph "J.J." Johnson is the main hombre at a place in Harlem called The Cecil, and is the #1 rated restaurant in America right now - although it's unclear who's ranking that is ...
In 5x episodes they've had hot peppers 3x times, molecular gastro 1x, avocado 2x, smash technique 1x, fried beignet bun 1x, caribbean jerk 1x ...
It's genuinely a representation of our own burger threads, in a nice tidy 22 minute package ...
grantmichaels said:
Mind of a Chef.
MasterChef Kids.
Chef's Table.
MasterChef Grown-Children.
On Youtube, I like a few channels, and since I'm on a desktop machine now (I was using mobile yesterday), I'll share a few of the more eccentric one's:
Caribbean Pot - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPL-KaRXesxML5G4xrfUAg
Chef Steps - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxD2E-bVoUbaVFL0Q3PvJTg
James Strange is pretty dope - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtjlTbeLELCuJU0o8AF2qtA
Maangchi - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8gFadPgK2r1ndqLI04Xvvw
I like Malcolm Reed - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC--MxpGXJ3LVD8KvlNzRlcA
Sometimes a little Cook With Aussie for a simple approach - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_VvvAw-KGbVrmk51wXRdgw
or for Canadian, Serious Chef - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxz9ss6YMqujp1RyGSu5nMQ
and my local favorite for easy Pan-Asian, Jaden - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQvnudZnwQJVB0Rx4mviLZQ
I'm sure there's more, but that's a more complete post on the subject since I'm on a real computer ...
FreeportBum said:
Mind of a chef
Two fat lady's
Julia and Jacques cooking at home
Yan can cook
East meets west

pbs has a good run of cooking shows on there channels. There's a bunch of shows I wish they would put back on though.
     Hell yes to Yan Can Cook and Julia and Jacques! But Ming Tsai can kiss my butt. Ever try to count how many times he says "guys" during one episode? My brother and I made a drinking game out of it once. I don't remember anything else that happened that day.
     The Frugal Gourmet was always a good one. Jeff Smith always came off as kind of a weirdo, though. 
     I also really like America's Test Kitchen - super helpful show. I'm sure I'll remember more later.
Parts Unknown - not really a cooking... more of an "enjoy watching Anthony eat great food in cool places" show.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Hell yes to Yan Can Cook and Julia and Jacques! But Ming Tsai can kiss my butt. Ever try to count how many times he says "guys" during one episode? My brother and I made a drinking game out of it once. I don't remember anything else that happened that day.
     The Frugal Gourmet was always a good one. Jeff Smith always came off as kind of a weirdo, though. 
     I also really like America's Test Kitchen - super helpful show. I'm sure I'll remember more later.
Play "And Den" with Yan can cook. You'll get waaay drunker.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
Hell yes to Yan Can Cook and Julia and Jacques! But Ming Tsai can kiss my butt. Ever try to count how many times he says "guys" during one episode? My brother and I made a drinking game out of it once. I don't remember anything else that happened that day.
Count how many times Alton Brown says "umm" and you simply can't watch him.
The Hot Pepper said:
Count how many times Alton Brown says "umm" and you simply can't watch him.
     Never noticed it, guys. So, guys, at least it's not as annoying as, you know guys, Ming Tsai is. Guys. 
     I think Alton is pretty fun to watch. He seems like a smart person that I could learn something from watching.  Ming just thinks he's pretty. I have a hard time watching people that wear as much makeup and kitchy neck jewelry as Ming does. I don't think he's as cool as he thinks I think he is.
     I just think there's a difference between someone who overuses a vocal crutch, and and someone who seems to make a point of doing the same thing in hopes of sounding "hip". Guys.

     Also, counting "umms" doesn't make for a very entertaining drinking game.  :drunk:
edit: Guys.
     Ha! Yeah, the count has to be in the thousands per episode! Still, I had to pay attention to catch them. When Ming is on a "guys" kick, it's all I can do to keep from sidearming cutting board through the flatscreen TV in my mom's kitchen. (Luckily, my wife and I don't own a TV, so I'm not subject to Ming's impeccable fashion and makeup often.)

     You have to agree that neither of these would ever be as annoying as it was for Jacques always having to look over his shoulder to make sure Julia wasn't gankin' his wine all the time.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Ha! Yeah, the count has to be in the thousands per episode! Still, I had to pay attention to catch them. 
You will soon not be able to un-hear them!!!!! Even Cutthroat Kitchen, or any show lol. You'll see. I mean hear.
Unless he's stopped doing it.
On an episode of Chopped, it was firefighters. One of the basket ingredients was ghost peppers. Gloves and safety glasses were provided for the chefs. One of them added pieces of pepper to a cream based sauce, and I was fascinated because I had heard that this pepper was so hot that you don't actually put it in your food. I heard that you just tap it on some of the other ingredients and enough of the flavor transfers for the entire batch. Another chef didn't use the ghost pepper in his dish, so he sliced it and put it on the plates as garnish. The judges were annoyed because on that show they don't like garnish. If it goes on the plate they had better be able to eat it. They felt that the use of ghost pepper as a garnish was irresponsible, especially after the chefs were provided with gloves and safety glasses just to handle the pepper in its pure state. I finally had the courage to give it a try. The next time I saw ghost pepper at the grocery I bought it. Soon I was up to an entire pod in a bowl of ramen (2 packages, 4 cups water). Sometimes two pods, if they were small. Thanks, Chopped.
Yeah the ghost is good in food. :D Glad that show made you try.
I don't watch tv much. Seen a commercial for some cooking show where the dude goes around the country looking for the best tacos... that sounds like a show I would watch. Wish I had a dvr. 