favorite Favorite low and compact chilis?

I am planning on setting up an indoor hydroponic HID lightning growtent to continue the grow over the winter. However, I live in an apartment with slanting roof so vertical space is at a premium. The only tent I have found that is suitable is a propagation tent DP90 by secret jardine, which measures 90x60x90 cm.
I'm building a diy hydroponic setup with minimal height (18 cm) so that gives me 72 cm left to play with (28 inches). I am currently on a quest to collect suitable chilis to grow inside the tent what is both compact and delicious :)
The list so far;
White habanero (or peach?)
Cumari Pollux
Peito de moca
Cheira roxa (or CGN 21500?)
Dwarf chiltepin
Mini rocoto (PI 387838)
Any other suggestions? Also if anyone have grown the above please let me know what you thought about the plant!
Congo Trinidad is pretty low, but fairly wide.  My two are no taller than 8" high, but about twice as big in width.  Pretty good producers though
you can just trim the plants of any variety if they get too big, no need to limit yourself i think.

that being said my white hab and prik chi faa plants are around 2ft tall
Good plant choices!  Peito de moca looks really interesting.
How about Charapita or Zimbabwe bird or other wilds?
Also I think you could grow pretty much any chinense, as long as you keep pruning it back when it gets too big - some of my two year old plants are only about 50cm tall but loaded with pods.
damn - juanitos just beat me with the pruning idea!  :confused:
I have two 7 Pot yellow in the ground that are less than foot tall, but each are close to three feet across.
Good producers, too.
I have had chinense that grew short and bushy and tall and wide . Same with annuums and baccs . Just depends on what your feeding it and how much light it gets( and temp)  . I would focus on flavor and like others have said you can top and trim to size . 
White and peach hab are good choices.
Also for compact varieties check out Limon (chinense), Rocotillo, Beni Market, Pequin from Ischia, Clavo, Wild Brazil, Jindungo, Maui Purple, Thai Hot / Thai Sun, Red Demon, Rooster Spur... Being heavily limited in growing space i know a few... Also remember that small pots-> small plants.


White bullet Habs are some of the smaller plants I have grown along with hot fish pepper and explosive embers (last one more ornamental)
But as others have said if you keep the root zone constrained any plant will stay more compact in size.
I had a Firecracker Pequin that grew a really nice short bushy plant. Had hundreds of Chilli all over the top too.
The best way would be to bonsai it. There are people out there that do it this way and I think on Fatalii's website there is a section on how to do it.
Have fun!
Thanks for asking this. I was thinking along the same lines. I've got a space I want to put in a mass planting of a single pepper variety but the can grow more than 2 feet tall.
Thanks for all the input, greatly appreciated! I think I am going to try to bring in a couple OW into the hydro when it gets too cold outside after some heavy pruning. Have two fine specimens that I want to give special treatment to ;)
Going to grow a little bit what I feel like in the tent and prune them heavily to keep them low. I am building two ebb-flood hydro trays measuring 40x60 cm each to grow them in so I can't limit the potting size really.
I am going to grow 8 plants in total in my two hydro-trays during the cold months.
Preliminary list so far;
OW Reaper
OW Dorset Naga
Bahamian goat pepper
Rocoto Mini
Rocoto San Isidro
Dwarf Chiltepin
Cheiro Roxa
Peito de moca
Am I forgetting something that I really should grow? Been thinking about substituing the bahamian goat pepper for a MOA scotch bonnet but I don't have seeds for that atm.
I grew a Cheiro Recife last year that was a foot tall by 2-1/2 feet wide. It was loaded with dime-sized pods too. This year I grew a PeriPeri chile that grew to about the same size and produced a bit over 250 grams of pods.
Kapten Capsaicin said:
I am planning on setting up an indoor hydroponic HID lightning growtent to continue the grow over the winter. However, I live in an apartment with slanting roof so vertical space is at a premium. The only tent I have found that is suitable is a propagation tent DP90 by secret jardine, which measures 90x60x90 cm.
I'm building a diy hydroponic setup with minimal height (18 cm) so that gives me 72 cm left to play with (28 inches). I am currently on a quest to collect suitable chilis to grow inside the tent what is both compact and delicious :)
The list so far;
White habanero (or peach?)
Cumari Pollux
Peito de moca
Cheira roxa (or CGN 21500?)
Dwarf chiltepin
Mini rocoto (PI 387838)
Any other suggestions? Also if anyone have grown the above please let me know what you thought about the plant!
Is the Dwarf Chiltepin from Semillas? I grew two plants this year and they were not at all dwarfing in habit, Pequin da Ischia is a good choice for a dwarf pequin, good heat and flavour too.