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contest February Throwdown - Cast Iron Shenanigans

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I had this great idea to use every single piece of CI I own for the throwdown....but then I dug it all out of the cupboards......(and I still forgot the waffle iron! )

wok, 5 skillets, dutch oven, chicken pan, and the elusive waffle iron-


Some of these I didn't even remember I had....so NEVER MIND THAT IDEA! Too much cooking and too much clean up!

Plan C is in the works~~~ 2 pans and the waffle iron :cool:

" Holy ...Pot-Fest...Batman " look at the arsenal.........That's Intimidating!

Wow....................... :eek: ....................what a collection!
I couldn't fit all of that on both of my stoves, yet alone the "waff-ie press", which was always a hit with the "scouts"


There's gonna be alot of stiff competition this weekend. Time to get the "pipe" out, not sure what to cook in it yet. East or Midwest?
I might have to roll up some bluns to bake, just to add to the festivities!........................lol

On a serious note.....Good luck to all this weekend...........Oh , and that goes for the "Patriots", also

Greg, make sure you microwave them 'Dawgs!
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