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fermenting Ferment question

These habs have been fermenting for 90days (forgot about it). Skimmed slime and mold of the surface but wasn't sure what to do with the milky separation. Should it be removed?

I am a vintner (wine) and brewer and have a BS in Chemistry and I am going to try and help you but I do not have any experience with biological corruption of Salsas.

First of all let me recommend in the future that you boil all ingedients and the bottle before anything else and then by some yogurt or some yogurt bacteria and innoculate the salsa and cover it with salt. That is so you do not grow whartever you are growing in the salsa now.

Now as to your current problem I would suggest tasting the white goo you have on the top and see what it tastes like---if it tastes like bat guano toss it.
If it it tastes ok keep it.
If it is between those two carefully take the top goo off with a spoon very carefully till you get down to the uncontaminated level and taste it there---that is about all I can suggest.

Good luck
Hey Nor Cal,
What does it smell like? Smell is a really good indicator of whether your going to want to process it into a sauce or toss it. If it has a good earthly pepper smell your to the good if as Balac put it it smells like Bat Guano or like something died then toss it. Through all my fermentations that's what I've always done. Let us know what the results are and if you get any information about it post back to the Fermentation 101 thread so everyone can share in the info.

I got a few pages into the fermenting primer and was running of time so I started a thread.

Now on the subject at hand...

The smell; like sour habanero with a hint fruit.

The taste; the cloudy substance was surprisingly good, salty, sour and hot. Although the peppers were mushy compared to the uncloudy

Since it passed the taste test I'll be making sriracha tonight!!
From your description it sounds like some yeast may have gotten into the mash, I've had it happen a couple of times too. Usually it looks like a white growth on top of the mash but when you skimmed the mold from the top it most likely got mixed into the liquid on top. There is nothing dangerous about it and it won’t affect the flavor profile any and will be killed off when the mash is brought to a boil during the processing into a sauce.
