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fermenting Fermented Aji Lemon

This is my first attempt at a fermented sauce. I don't particularly care for the taste of Aji Lemons when they're fresh. Hoping a little aging will do them well, like it does tabasco.

Sanitized everything.

Put about 60 or so aji lemons in a blender with 2 cloves of garlic and chopped it up fine.
Threw it in a pot with a little water and a tsp of salt. I cooked that for a little bit, just to kill any germies that may be on the peppers. Softened it up too.

Into my bubbler jar. Added whatever whey I could harvest from some full-fat yogurt. Topped with water. Then I just let it sit.

Initially, all the peppers sunk to the bottom. When I woke up today, some of it had risen to the top, and it looked like parts of the mash were churning.

Does this mean it's working? Any advice would help.


(pic is day 2)

I haven't tried it myself but I dont see why you couldn't. Have to realize though that your going to get some of that raw pepper taste and harshness that with a pure fermented pepper batch you wouldn't have. I think I'd give it a try though with a small batch and see if you like it and then include the Fatai's or Datils in the next fermentation run.
Are you still getting very little bubbleage from the mash? I ask because I have some started about the same time as yours and getting very little reaction. It still looks ok and smells kinda nutty, roasted and toasty and I. Haven't noticed anything bad yet.

Just curious to compare.
The fermentation is going to reach a point where it will appear that there is nothing going on and it may well stop fermenting. This is where you start aging the peppers. Tobasco claims to age their peppers for 3 years. Having taken a taste when a fermentation appeared to stop and then at the end of the period I decided on I can say that it's during this period that the mash seems to mellow some. There was a degree of sharpness to the taste that was there when the fermentation stoped and was gone when I made th sauce later on. Hope this helps.

Thanks RM!!! Good to know!

Mike, My stuff stopped bubbling about a week after I started it. It hasn't done anything in a long time. I'm just letting it sit there until my arbitrary Mid-August release date.
How much did you make? I only have a few cups.
I'm using a half gallon mason jar and its maybe two thirds full of mash then the rest water and whey. I've only had a small ring of bubbles around the glass wall and that's about all.
Good morning frydad4...
How's that Aji Limon mash coming along...?
I just started a batch of Aji-L mash myself recently, and was wondering what to expect...and what you think about both the heat and flavor?
Ok, I'm scared.

I'm ready to play around with my fermented aji lemons. They're done, and they look awesome.

Before I open it, though I have some questions.

Thank you, btw, Rocketman for your awesome advice thus far (and I'll probably end up using your recipe you developed for me)

I have about 24 ounces of mash in a mason jar. The top inch and a half are clearish yellowey liquid. The rest is mashey pulp.


1. What does the liquid taste like?

2. What would happen if I strained out the mashed fermented peppers and made a vinegar based sauce with carrots or artichoke to add body?

3. What would happen if I just dumped the whole thing in a pot with some thickeners and a bit of salt?

4. Any other advice before I open this bad-boy up?
Ok, I'm scared.
I'm ready to play around with my fermented aji lemons. They're done, and they look awesome.

Before I open it, though I have some questions.

Thank you, btw, Rocketman for your awesome advice thus far (and I'll probably end up using your recipe you developed for me)

I have about 24 ounces of mash in a mason jar. The top inch and a half are clearish yellowey liquid. The rest is mashey pulp.


1. What does the liquid taste like?
It's going to tasete kind of like a pepper infused vinegar

2. What would happen if I strained out the mashed fermented peppers and made a vinegar based sauce with carrots or artichoke to add body?
You'd have some really good but really thick sauce and some pepper infused vinegar like solution. You might also have to add some of it back in to get ph down.

3. What would happen if I just dumped the whole thing in a pot with some thickeners and a bit of salt?
You'd have an AWESOME Aji Lemon sauce.

4. Any other advice before I open this bad-boy up?
RDWHAHB and dont forget to send me a bottle!