fertilizer Fertilizer Dilution...

moruga welder said:
more micro and the organic side , all they need when their little , other than a little cal /  mag,  also i'm just not a big fan of anything M.G. ,       :party:
Ok, thanks. Well I'll pick up some Jobes on the way home then and use that instead. My uncle uses MG in his garden and has good luck so I'll give it to him or just keep it for back up.

So can I use the Jobes as instructed then on my plants at their current size since it's weaker, or still cut it in half? ( I know you've read my Glog and seen my plants)
U)<now said:
Ok, thanks. Well I'll pick up some Jobes on the way home then and use that instead. My uncle uses MG in his garden and has good luck so I'll give it to him or just keep it for back up.

So can I use the Jobes as instructed then on my plants at their current size since it's weaker, or still cut it in half? ( I know you've read my Glog and seen my plants)
you can use M.G. if you like , I'm in no way telling you not to , I just choose not to , You use what works for you ! I would just keep in mind if your plants are still in solos just be sure to cut the Fert. down ,      :party:
moruga welder said:
you can use M.G. if you like , I'm in no way telling you not to , I just choose not to , You use what works for you ! I would just keep in mind if your plants are still in solos just be sure to cut the Fert. down ,      :party:
Ok, I'm trying not to panick with my plants falling farther and farther behind but still fix the issue at hand before it's too late, lol.
moruga welder said:
i wouldn't , how old are your plants ?  every other week , off week epsom  salts , What you can use in every watering . which wont hurt is , ECOVIE ,  great stuff !    :seeya:
I'm curious about this. I've never heard of this product. I wonder if doing this is better than amending the soil with minerals (rock dusk)?
ColdSmoke said:
I'm curious about this. I've never heard of this product. I wonder if doing this is better than amending the soil with minerals (rock dusk)?
A good ol'  friend on here turned me onto it , been using it for the last 3 years ,     :party:
U)<now said:
Ok, thanks. Well I'll pick up some Jobes on the way home then and use that instead. My uncle uses MG in his garden and has good luck so I'll give it to him or just keep it for back up.

So can I use the Jobes as instructed then on my plants at their current size since it's weaker, or still cut it in half? ( I know you've read my Glog and seen my plants)
A combination of Alaska Fish and Alaska Seaweed was one of my first liquid nutrients - and still one of my most successful. (especially for the $)
I never had to add anything else, or use any measure of caution - whether in solo cups, or final plantings.  
solid7 said:
A combination of Alaska Fish and Alaska Seaweed was one of my first liquid nutrients - and still one of my most successful. (especially for the $)
I never had to add anything else, or use any measure of caution - whether in solo cups, or final plantings.  
Yeah I've seen that at walmart, the 5-1-1 stuff right?    I stopped by wally world today on the way home, they did not have any of the Jobe's stuff I was looking for, but I did find a box at Menards on clearance for $3.79, the last box they had, so I picked it up. 

I dont mean to hijack this thread, but just in the 24 hours since i gave them some MG, they seem to have perked up and are showing noticeable new growth. Ill update my Glog with progress sometime in the next few days or next week. 
solid7 said:
A combination of Alaska Fish and Alaska Seaweed was one of my first liquid nutrients - and still one of my most successful. (especially for the $)
I never had to add anything else, or use any measure of caution - whether in solo cups, or final plantings.  
Sorry to hijack for a sec, but I just picked up some Alaska Fish but couldn't find the Seaweed. Is it ok to use Fish by itself or will it be lacking too much?

Bhuter said:
Sorry to hijack for a sec, but I just picked up some Alaska Fish but couldn't find the Seaweed. Is it ok to use Fish by itself or will it be lacking too much?

Fish alone may or may not work. I've done entire grows with it. But I can't say if that's normal or not. It's much better in conjunction with seaweed. If you can't find it, you may be able to special order it into your local Lowes or Home Depot. They often have free shipping to the store. Or use Neptune's Harvest.
solid7 said:
Fish alone may or may not work. I've done entire grows with it. But I can't say if that's normal or not. It's much better in conjunction with seaweed. If you can't find it, you may be able to special order it into your local Lowes or Home Depot. They often have free shipping to the store. Or use Neptune's Harvest.
Awesome! Thank you very much for your help!