event Fiery Foods & Barbecue Show - March 5 - 7, 2010

I might be shunned for this, but I don't really like wings, only boneless wings if I can have my choice. Just never got in to the dark meat (or the mess), but I love the flavor!
Tkromer said:
I might be shunned for this, but I don't really like wings, only boneless wings if I can have my choice. Just never got in to the dark meat (or the mess), but I love the flavor!

You don't have to worry if its white or dark meat, as your pain receptors will be in overload condition, with a slight case of tinitus on top. Since sensory overload is a standard condition during these, enjoy the endorphin rush, which makes you not care if you make a mess or not. Table etiquette is not enforced during one of these competitions, trust me.

If we served boneless chicken, people could swallow the entire piece. We leave the bones in to deter this, as most people avoid the possibility of a chicken bone piercing their stomach lining. Not to mention boneless chickens look really funny. I mean who wouldn't laugh at a puddle of feathers with a beak. Watching them move around reminds me of a feathered version of The Blob.
DEFCON Creator said:
Thos are the big 3, Fiery Foods in NM, Zest Fest in TX and Weekend of Fire in Ohio. As for the WOF, we throw our National CHampionship Wing-Eating Deathmatch Saturday night at WOF. I look forward to seeing you guys sitting at the table (evil chuckle).

As I have said, the ticket has been bought for FFS and have been planning to go to Zest Fest also - was looking at the WOF site last nite and might as well plan on hitting that one too - looks like a good time

as for sitting down at the wing table I think I would make a great spectator - I am a wimp compared to all the pros here - tho I can say I have gradually been getting a hotter palette- my bottle of Nagasav is almost gone - but even so I think it would be best for me to just take pics of everyone else lol
Tkromer said:
I might be shunned for this, but I don't really like wings, only boneless wings if I can have my choice. Just never got in to the dark meat (or the mess), but I love the flavor!
Wings are white meat.
Just booked our flights to Albuquerque :) Will call Monday and book our room with the Casino, the festival rate is not too bad for the convenience of staying on site.
man i wish i could afford to come to one of these events.... I may come to usa next year and hopefully come to firey foods show. Am tryin to get pete to let me go haha
first stall would def be john's really wanna meet and try his hot sauce goodness..lol
I am hoping to attend this event but not quite ready to get a booth this year, just come out to meet people and check stuff out. Is there any entries at this event that i can look into as a non-vending company?
Not sure if there are any non-vendor competitions, but you never know, best bet is to e-mail them and ask. As for not doing the show, it may be quite helpful for you to come take a look at what everyone is doing. We jumped into the Fiery Foods show blind a few years back. It was quite overwhelming, but alas, I had cold beer during setup, so everything went fine. As for Zest Fest, for a couple of years, I would fly into TX on Thursday afternoon, hang out with everyone Thursday and Thursday night, come in to the show Friday morning, check out the booths, grab any collectibles I was looking for, and then fly back to NJ late Friday afternoon, as we had a charity event each year for a local fire dept. the following Saturday (300+ lbs of wings cooked up).

After a couple of years, they changed the fire dept. date so we got a booth. It was a lot easier setting up after checking it out beforehand. You can learn a LOT by just checking out the booths, they way people offer samples, booth styles, and an overall knowledge of how things run at the show. Your first trade show is always the scariest, as there are a bunch of unknowns. That being said, virtually all vendors are more than willing to answer questions you may have.
Do any vendors ever share a booth?

might not be allowed????

might work for some as a 'kick-start" to be able to afford the show and at least get in there.
I'm pretty sure they will split the booth for you. It's a little late to start considering this now, but just contact them, as I do believe they have a couple of booths still available due to people backing out.
Just thinking ahead to the next show or next year.
I ended up booking at the Casino, convenient for my first time, when I go back in future years I may stay elsewhere. The other hotels were only going to be about $30/night cheaper...