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spicy-products Fiery Habanero Doritos

Got some yesterday. They're OK. Not very hot, but flavor is on a par with their other products. Tried them and Monterey Jack?? Or something together. Not much difference between the 2, but I did end up with a runny nose after 3/4 of a bag.:)
Tina Brooks said:
A runny nose tells me there are real habaneros in there.


A runny nose tells me that there's to much glypto in the ingredients..I have also heard rumors that these chips make your poop glow in the dark. :lol:
Cap said:
A runny nose tells me[/I'] that there's to much glypto in the ingredients..I have also heard rumors that these chips make your poop glow in the dark. :lol:

Yeah, but carrying around a glowing turtlehead is a lot easier than fumbling around in the dark for a Maglite.
DEFCON Creator said:
Yeah, but carrying around a glowing turtlehead is a lot easier than fumbling around in the dark for a Maglite.

Yes you do make a good point. Just don't forget to wash your hands before sticking 'em back into the Dorito bag. :P Of course if you don't wash up, the added flavor may be an improvement. :lol:

Tina, please keep us informed of the results from your google search for, "glowing turtlehead". :P :lol:
Tina Brooks said:
Now boys, a little decorum please, this is a family forum, not a locker room.


I haven't said anything that my 8yr old son hasn't taught me(family). :P Sounds like Tina has been hanging out in some interesting locker rooms.

Party Pooper! :mouthonfire:
what is more amazing is a thread go so far out of hand that it is about to be deleted..........and i had nothing to do with it......go figure.
Do you guys have their Sweet Chili Heat Doritos down there, and if so... how does the heat compare???

2... Can you get them in Manhattan... and if so... WHERE???

My Peppermaster is going to the Fancy Foods Show and he can pick us up some! Hot or not, I still want to try some!

i think they are pretty tasty. picked up a couple bags since it was buy one get one free. i liked the flavor, and there is some heat but its not very strong. they can't make them too hot or else they'll lose customers..oh well..you can always add some heat hah.

i love dill pickle chips! they taste pretty much like salt and vinegar chips..which are also great.

there are some buffalo wing chips that i've had. they are pretty good but kinda strange.

anyone ever have those tgif spicy chips? i forget their exact name but those where the hottest chips i've ever had. unfortunately i don't think they sold well ...partly because of the heat..and they no longer carry them at the store here. :)
There used to be a company in New England called Groff's. They had a HOT bag. It was very nice. A LOT of cayenne, white & black pepper. They were kettle type...very nice. So sad to see they're not around any more. :P
I had planned doing a professional review like the other i see here but... after all three bags, A dorito tastes like a dorito and the flavor change is thin at best. I don't fault that, it builds product branding. None of them provide any real heat or pepper flavor. They all have that good dorito crunch. They all magically make orange spots appear on my pants and shirt. Limited time flavors are sometime created for people like me who always try whats new.
darthcarl said:
They all magically make orange spots appear on my pants and shirt.

Thats what i hate about Doritos and Cheetos as well....you get that orange "futz" all the hell over you and everything else
There used to be crisps over here called Really Ruthless Crisps... only ever saw them once. THey were fairly fierce. That was 12 years ago :mouthonfire: