Finally getting some peppers, but too late...

Hello all, it's been a while since I've posted! Life's been a whirlwind lately (more on that later).

My scotch bonnets have been producing really well this year, but my bhut jolokia plants have only produced one (REALLY HOT!) pepper so far. That looks to be changing, as all 3 of my bhut plants now have flowers all over them. One has an ant infestation in it's pot, but not sure that's necessarily a bad thing?

Anyway, I was looking forward to a nice harvest this year, but it's coming too late. A week from Monday, I'm moving to Germany! :shocked:

I think I've found homes for most of my plants, definitely the bhuts.

So, any Germans on the board? :lol:

- Eric
elequin said:
A week from Monday, I'm moving to Germany! So, any Germans on the board?
Good luck in your new place to live! Are you in the Military? While in the Army, I once spent 3 years in Berlin. Had a blast! I hope you have as much fun as I did. What part of Germany are you going to?
Chiliac said:
Here's one! :)

What part of Germany are you going to?

Cool! I'll be near Nürnberg. Do you currently live in Germany? I noticed a distinct lack of spicy things there, with the exception of curries.

NatGreenMeds said:
Good luck in your new place to live! Are you in the Military? While in the Army, I once spent 3 years in Berlin. Had a blast! I hope you have as much fun as I did. What part of Germany are you going to?

Thanks! Not in the military, I'm moving there for a new job. :) Nürnberg is the closest big city, however I'll visit Berlin of course. I have a 5 year work visa, and if I stay past that I'll qualify for a lifetime visa, so it's as permanent as I want to make it!

- Eric
elequin said:
Thanks! Not in the military, I'm moving there for a new job. :) Nürnberg is the closest big city, however I'll visit Berlin of course. I have a 5 year work visa, and if I stay past that I'll qualify for a lifetime visa, so it's as permanent as I want to make it!- Eric
Well, I certainly hope you enjoy your new job! What an experience it'll be for you!

Do you already speak the German language? Even though almost every German speaks English, they will really appreciate it when you converse with them in their own language. It means a lot. Once again, good luck to you. It will be a time to remember!
Hot stuff is becoming the next big thing here atm. There are lots of new brands of hot sauces, chocolate etc... it's a bit annoying, most of these things aren't hot at all.

Yeah, I am living here. Not exactly around the corner (Nürnberg is a 3hr drive), but straight on your way to Berlin. :)
NatGreenMeds said:
Well, I certainly hope you enjoy your new job! What an experience it'll be for you!

Do you already speak the German language? Even though almost every German speaks English, they will really appreciate it when you converse with them in their own language. It means a lot. Once again, good luck to you. It will be a time to remember!

I don't speak German, but I've been trying out Rosetta Stone, and my new job is going to pay to send me to language classes. I noticed that most speak very good English, but yah, I really do want to learn.

Chiliac said:
Hot stuff is becoming the next big thing here atm. There are lots of new brands of hot sauces, chocolate etc... it's a bit annoying, most of these things aren't hot at all.

Yeah, I am living here. Not exactly around the corner (Nürnberg is a 3hr drive), but straight on your way to Berlin. :)

Cool, so you're growing all those peppers in Germany? Awesome! I figured the climate would be too cold. I see you're growing indoors - is that why? How hard was it to find seeds / seedlings?

- Eric
I start them indoors, but take them outside in mid may. It was no problem getting seeds. When I first grew chilis I used seeds from peppers purchased at the supermarket and after a while I got to know some more chiliheads and after discovering this forum it's even less of a problem! :)

The climate is okay to grow peppers, the season's just a bit shorter than in say TX.
What kind of work do you do?

Germany isnt bad at all, its alot better than i expected :D Its actually a great country with vineyards, nice people, cheap alcohol ;) and beautiful scenery.

Its definitely one of the few other eruopean countries that i would move to for a job!

Good luck to your chilis and you with your new european life! :)