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greenhouse First 80 Plants In Greenhouse 02-22-09

Pam said:
Ha! I *knew* you had one somewhere!

Pam said:
Me? I don't make him draw graphs. I just knew he made a graph and plotted out how many plants and where they would go as soon as he started thinking about putting them in the greenhouse. He's AJ.

you make me giggle Pam...you know me too well...

millworkman said:
How much nutes have you gone through this year already AJ? I am looking ahead to next year already...

Really at the rate I am applying them, not that much....I am only using 1/2 Tbsp per gallon of water right now, but kicked it up to 1 Tbsp per gallon for the plants moved to the greenhouse...if you want dollar wise...probably $25...botanicare Progro and ProBloom are about 50 bucks a gallon

joeknowsjolokia said:
Why do you do that to him?

she loves to pick at my anal retentive ways...which is cool with me...
chicagofire said:
Dont forget you can have more than one level. Shelves would add a ton more space. Sure they wouldnt get as much direct light underneath but its probably more than in the growrage and cheaper than under lights. I would think it would be great for fast growers.

Right Carol...but I hope I won't have to "tier" the plants...if I do, I will definitely have to figure out where to put more plants in the yard...or on top of the house as someone already suggested.....


I have gone back and read this thread to when it started on 2/22 because on that day and because of reading this thread. I was inspired to make my cold frame. I do not see where you had the need to bring your plants back inside because of the light system you built.Do you do any hardening off prior to putting plants in your greenhouse. Thanks for the inspiration.
This is an awesome pic dude!
Someday I want to build a greenhouse that holds no less that 10,000 plants to sell.
AlabamaJack said:
cheezydemon said:
Impressive as always AJ!!!........that your wife lets you get away with all of this!;)

I think she kinda likes me cheezy...

peppermo said:
I do not see where you had the need to bring your plants back inside because of the light system you built.Do you do any hardening off prior to putting plants in your greenhouse. Thanks for the inspiration.

I think this forum inspires everyone...there seems to be so much energy here...

I didn't do any hardening off...I kinda think putting them in the greenhouse is hardening them off because the cover is transluscent and doesn't let full sun hit the plants...

ABurningMouth said:
This is an awesome pic dude!
Someday I want to build a greenhouse that holds no less that 10,000 plants to sell.

man, 10K a lot of plants....I would have to hire someone to help...
I see that AJ has been busier than ever in my absence. WOW!!!! Everything looks Grreat AJ. You wouldn't want to take a long weekend and come visit would you? I sure could use your talent with getting all of my seeds started. I can offer you a free room, food and the beverage of your choice.
AlabamaJack said:


Have you considered using nursery flats? They are 10.5" x 21" and will hold 18 3" containers each. By making your tables about 43" wide and 16.5' long, you could get 36 trays per side or 1296 plants in that area. Eight of those things and you could raise 10,000 plants!

Greenhouse Trinidads....03-07-09

Pepperfreak said:
I see that AJ has been busier than ever in my absence. WOW!!!! Everything looks Grreat AJ. You wouldn't want to take a long weekend and come visit would you? I sure could use your talent with getting all of my seeds started. I can offer you a free room, food and the beverage of your choice.

Just a little busy Paul... ;)

wordwiz said:

Have you considered using nursery flats? They are 10.5" x 21" and will hold 18 3" containers each. By making your tables about 43" wide and 16.5' long, you could get 36 trays per side or 1296 plants in that area. Eight of those things and you could raise 10,000 plants!


I'm good Mike...I may think about that if I need more space tho...

here are two shots of my trinidad varieties in the greenhouse...

first is a straight down view of some yellow 7', T. Scorps and 7's...planted 20 January 2009 (I like this angle PRF)


and another pic of more trinidads..

Your plants have taken to being in the greenhouse very well AJ. Great idea to get those plants outside. Your plants are huge and may sell for more than 4 bucks in the end. We are having this great weather this weekend and tilled the garden and such today but not moving outside here just yet. I want a greenhouse so badly like yours.
Bigger and Nicer

I'll second that as that's where I got mine last year . You also have varieties they don't offer. Truly awesome plants.
peppermo said:
I'll second that as that's where I got mine last year . You also have varieties they don't offer. Truly awesome plants.

Well, that's why we all grow our own, isn't it? No one is going to carry all of what a real pepper geek wants, are they?
Got a lot of more transplanting to do today but first, I have to set up my tables in the greenhouse...

I decided I am going to make one big table (two 4 by 8 sheets of 7/16" plywood...also will have to make another "heating fixture"...the tables will be centered in the greenhouse (10' X 20')...leaves me 2 feet on each end and three feet on the sides....

off to Homus Depos to spend some money...
We can just try.

Pam said:
Well, that's why we all grow our own, isn't it? No one is going to carry all of what a real pepper geek wants, are they?

Pam, following AJ's progress this year is what encouraged me to try again this year. I failed pretty miserably last year with the ones I grew myself but your right it was the only way to grow what I really wanted. I got plenty of peppers from the plants I ordered but it's not the same. Had empty feeling still like I cheated. I am glad I did try again. I failed last year but I learned so much and it's paying of this year I mention AJ but there are many members of this forum including yourself that I rely on.
peppermo said:
Pam, following AJ's progress this year is what encouraged me to try again this year. I failed pretty miserably last year with the ones I grew myself but your right it was the only way to grow what I really wanted. I got plenty of peppers from the plants I ordered but it's not the same. Had empty feeling still like I cheated. I am glad I did try again. I failed last year but I learned so much and it's paying of this year I mention AJ but there are many members of this forum including yourself that I rely on.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I use Cross Country because I don't have room to start everything I would like. There's nothing wrong with that, but they still don't have all the plants I want. I like them for the quality of their plants and because they are organic. And I might add a second order this spring since I've had a total fail on the Corno Di Toros, a big zero on germination of both the reds and yellows. Cross Country is like back up if this second set fails, too.

It's fun to grow your own from seed, though, and there is very warm feeling of accomplishment that you don't get with bought stuff. And, yeah, there is a tremendous pool of knowledge to draw on here.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Your plants have taken to being in the greenhouse very well AJ. Great idea to get those plants outside. Your plants are huge and may sell for more than 4 bucks in the end. We are having this great weather this weekend and tilled the garden and such today but not moving outside here just yet. I want a greenhouse so badly like yours.

Cappy...if you are serious about getting a greenhouse like I have, you can get into it the way I have it set up including tables and lights for under $1000

wordwiz said:

Amazing.. simply awe-inspiring. I wish I had your talent and energy.


Thanks Mr. Mike

FiveSix said:
That picture is awesome! they look bigger and nicer than the plants I get during april when cross country nursery ships out.

thanks 56...I may thing about setting up a mail order business next year if I can get the license and all set up...

peppermo said:
I'll second that as that's where I got mine last year . You also have varieties they don't offer. Truly awesome plants.

you guys are making me think....

Pam said:
Well, that's why we all grow our own, isn't it?


peppermo said:
Pam, following AJ's progress this year is what encouraged me to try again this year...I mention AJ but there are many members of this forum including yourself that I rely on.

thanks for the mention peppermo, but without the collective knowledge on this forum that I have relied on, I would be no where near where I am with this years crop...

Pam said:
And, yeah, there is a tremendous pool of knowledge to draw on here.

I can't tell you how many times you have made me think about what I was doing to my plants Pam...thanks to you I understand a lot more than I used to...and yes, wealth of knowledge here...

dangit...I finished my new tables in the greenhouse, not I gotta go start transplanting...wonder how many I can get done before I quit?....

:shiner bocks tastin' gooooodddd too:
Please keep on thinking


Glad we got you thinking!!!!! You have varieties of plants that as of yet are not available, man I would not even know where to purchase seeds for those yellow 7's. Sure would be nice to have the option and opportunity to get plants of some of these exotics.
Yellow 7s are pretty new...I grew them last year but didn't know they were yellow...came in a pack with either T Scorpions or Sevens from Trini...

I will grow them out this year to see if they are indeed yellow and seeds/plants will be available next year if they indeed are true...