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greenhouse First 80 Plants In Greenhouse 02-22-09

Josh said:
It is definitely a good plan. I wouldn't mind one myself. I guess it would be nice in conjuntion with say a wind turbine or whatever they are called. Then you could use electric heaters when needed as well as supplemental lighting.

Well, wind is not a good alternative around here. We don't have enough to make it worthwhile. I'm watching the discussion of small, fan-sized turbines that can generate power in less wind than the large ones commonly seen now. They would probably not be efficient for large scale power production, but might work well as an adjunct to a homeowner's system.
Composting can help warm your greenhouse, but you may be attracting pests at the same time. I gave up on my greenhouse composter:(


What kind of pests? Insects or varmints?

Pam said:
Well, wind is not a good alternative around here. We don't have enough to make it worthwhile. I'm watching the discussion of small, fan-sized turbines that can generate power in less wind than the large ones commonly seen now. They would probably not be efficient for large scale power production, but might work well as an adjunct to a homeowner's system.

Yea they are only like 4 feet tall and they get mounted at the peak of your roof. The slope of your roof apparently helps. The problem is that those things are quite expensive right now. Especially the ones that you mount to a tower. You have to pay for the turbine and a tower. Hopefully in 20 years they will become more affordable.
Greenhouse Plants 03-01-09

meant to post this yesterday...plants have been in the greenhouse for one week and are loving it...even on the freezing nights...this was taken yesterday about noon...

temperature in the tent where the plants are is 74F and it is 31F outside right now..

dangit, my secrets out... :lol:
134 More Into Greenhouse 03-04-09

I put another 100 Superhots and 34 Scotch Bonnets in the greenhouse yesterday afternoon. They liked it overnight and seem to be doing well this afternoon...total plants in greenhouse now at 238...I think I have bout 40 or 50 more superhots to transplant, then I will start transplanting all my other plants...I may run out of room inside the growrage but I think the weather is going to be good enough to put them straight in the greenhouse if needs be...I am going to have a 64 square foot area full of 3" containers before it is over...I will have room for 576 if I need it...

These were planted 20 & 21 January 2009.

AJ, you may already know this, but if you set those flats on the ground, watch out for slugs. They like warm snuggy greenhouse, espcieally warm snuggy greenhouse full of tender green plants.
thanks for the tip Pam...I did not know that...

These "tables" I have in there are just scrap pieces of plywood and an old gate from my fence...I am going to get 2 sheets of 7/16" plywood Friday and make my tables nice and neat and LEVEL....I sincerely hate an uneven table...then the plants will be on these tables until they get transplanted into 5 gallon containers...besides, my old achin' back likes not having to bend over....
AlabamaJack said:
I sincerely hate an uneven table...


Who would ever have thunk that about you???? Even your Excel tables are balanced! :)

I am going to have a 64 square foot area full of 3" containers before it is over...I will have room for 576 if I need it...

I was thinking your greenhouse was much larger than 64 sq. ft., even allowing for area to walk between tables. In my plans, a 10x12' tent would have room for 864 plants (in 3" pots) and still leave me close to three feet between tables. But my plants are in 10.5x22" trays, 18 cells each.

Kyle...it's an obsession I suppose...

wordwiz said:
I was thinking your greenhouse was much larger than 64 sq. ft., even allowing for area to walk between tables. In my plans, a 10x12' tent would have room for 864 plants (in 3" pots) and still leave me close to three feet between tables. But my plants are in 10.5x22" trays, 18 cells each. Mike

Mike, it is a lot bigger than 64 sq. ft. thats just the table area I will have set up in there...there is 200 sq ft in the greenhouse itself...if necessary, I can put another 64 sq ft in there and still leave 2 feet between the tables with 2 feet on each end...table(s) will be 4 feet wide and 16 feet long...If I do add another table, I will probably make them 3 feet wide by 16 feet long...two of those will give me room for 864 plants if they are crammed in...
AlabamaJack said:
Mike, it is a lot bigger than 64 sq. ft. thats just the table area I will have set up in there...there is 200 sq ft in the greenhouse itself...if necessary, I can put another 64 sq ft in there and still leave 2 feet between the tables with 2 feet on each end...table(s) will be 4 feet wide and 16 feet long...If I do add another table, I will probably make them 3 feet wide by 16 feet long...two of those will give me room for 864 plants if they are crammed in...

Hey, where's our graph!
joeknowsjolokia said:
Why do you do that to him?

Me? I don't make him draw graphs. I just knew he made a graph and plotted out how many plants and where they would go as soon as he started thinking about putting them in the greenhouse. He's AJ.
Dont forget you can have more than one level. Shelves would add a ton more space. Sure they wouldnt get as much direct light underneath but its probably more than in the growrage and cheaper than under lights. I would think it would be great for fast growers.