first pods porn

Looking good! When all those guys get full size and producing you are going to have a boatload of peppers on your hand!
a weekly update on my pods. i know they are dirty but its raining almost every


shishito - producing nice amount of small pods


jimmy nardello

more comming..
I'm waiting until my jalapeno's ripen to red and it's been a LONG wait. So far it's been about 6 weeks, but I have already picked quit a few green ones that are still very tasty and do have a little heat to them. My others all took about a 3-4 weeks.
hungarian hot wax - too bad i only have 1 decent plant

another mucho nacho

serrano huasteco

unidentified plant with small pods
Must be raining hard in Poland, I usually never have a problem with plants getting dirty. It happens, but not every year... But seeing the problems they've had in the south of Sweden I understand - you are a lot closer to Malmö, Göteborg and Stockholm than I am...

Dirty or not, I wouldn't mind some of those pods:)
ABurningMouth said:
What kind of fertz do you use.

the soil is poor but enough to grow half-decent plants.

as for the fert im using pigeon manure (seems to work very good). im even watering with a water that has some pigeon poo soaking in it. finally im using tomato bloom booster fert once in a while (but not so much now when they are in fruiting stage - now its mostly natural ferts). also they get plenty of rainwater and sun.

here they are - first pods. its not even a harvest i just couldnt wait no more to pick some :P

from the left beaver dam, cherry and shishito.

are they ripe enough to save seeds?