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First post ever.

Ok, here I go I have been reading the post's on this forum for quite a while now. This is my first year trying to

grow hot peppers.I have gone thru allot here is a list.

Uncontrollable spending

Yes I am talking about growing peppers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am starting to see the fruit of my labors.I got all my information from this forum or links from this forum. I feel like I know all the key players. I always look forward to pictures.I will be trying to post my own. I feel like the cat that swalloed the canary with some of the success that I have had.If I can figure out how to post pictures there will be more to come.

These are the ones that in spite of me survied and are doing well
Naga Morrich, Bhut Jolokia,Trindad Scorpion (Butch T) 7 pot/pod (Primo)Fatalli, Cleo's Dragon, Chocolate Hab, Golden Hab, Orange Hab,White Hab,Red Savina, Hot paper Lantern, Serrano, Biker Billy, all are loaded with flowers.


The Green peppers in the piture are the ones that got me started they are Habanero hot and the best peppers I have tasted so far. I put the plant in the ground last year late I got about 15 peppers. I just left it outside where it was plnated in the ground so this is it's second year. They do turn red and last year they had allot of black color to them first. The person that gave me the plant said they are called Habaneros where there grown in Mexico. The plant is loaded with almost ripe peppers and a whole new set arlready coming in did have some early flower drop plant will probably produce over 100 peppers. The seeds where very hard to start out of the many seeds that I planted I only got one plant my fault no doubt. Does not taste like any Serrano or Jalapeno's I ever tasted main peppers for my salsas. Any idea of what kind of pepper or possible Hybrid peppers are true to form from last year.
How appropriate that of the key players the main one for me as far as information in eveything up to and including today posting pictures chimes in first

Thank you
great looking plants and peppers mo....welcome to the boards
Welcome to THP Mo. Nice pics. I am jealous of those Trinidad Scorpions. I got seeds from someone, but because I didn't have a garden I gave them away so people could grow a few of them for me. One drowned in a flood and the other one dried out in over 100 degree weather. :( So I am scorpionless now. Sigh.
Man, those choc habs and fatali are killer..nice job!
Why the tomato cages though?

Oh, and welcome to the madness. :)
Thanks for the welcome


I used the cages for support for when the plants load up with peppers and I probably planted to close I had more plants than space.I figured this would also be the only way I could get in there to harvest. This is My first year trying different things, I saw it on a post looked like a good idea.

Thanks for the welcome.
Welcome Peppermo. I am a newby grower too. You are doing well. I like how you said your plants are doing well in spite of you. I feel the same way. My plants are all very big and healthy in spite of my not knowing what the hell I am doing. I just pay a lot of attention to them and am careful not to overwater as I have read on here is the number one problem people have with them. I'm rambling, nice plants is what I meant to say.
I think the ones with the wider bars would be ok, but it looks like you can just get your fingers in some of them. Bad design with smaller wires there.
Sorry to be so critical (observant).