• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

First Time Grow - 7Pod, Scotch Bonnet, Serrano

Hey all!,

Note: I'll start transplanting previous posts into this thread as times goes by.

"First Time Setup" Thread

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Jumpstart T5 Fluorescent 2' kit (No Stand) For Seedlings[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]LED Comet Magenta 150LED Lamp ([/background]HID Hut[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]) (for veg and pre transplant outdoors to pots).[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Seed Cell Dome[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Rapid rooter plugs (General Hydro)[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Plastic Seed Cells[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]CloneX Solution (For seedling foiler)[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Super Sprouter Heat Mat[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Super Sprouter Thermostat[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Salvation Army - Old CRT/TV Dresser ($25)[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]4L Jug (Great for Kool-aid [/background] ;)[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)] )[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Oakton EcoTester pH1[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]General Hydro pH-Up[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]General Hydro pH-Down[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]A couple of pipets - One for nutrients, one for pH balancing.[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]FoxFarm - Grow Big[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Plant Success - Granular Root Nutrients[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]General Hydro Pro Bloom[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]General Hydro Cal Mag (For reverse osmosis or filtered water)[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Panda Film - White & Black Poly 6mil (10x10)[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Pump Sprayer[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]

I have noticed a couple gnats around the house but nothing in the soil. I haven't been top feeding but the last time I watered, Sunday, I top fed and gave the soil a good drink. Next time around ill bottom feed, then next water with a good drink. I totally forgot to check the plants this morning, which isn't going to be good when I get home :/ as for the Adema diagnosis, I don't think it's likely. This only happens when I don't water enough, like tonight, when I get home I'll snap a picture and I'm pretty sure they'll look like that again. I really should have watered this morning. :/

Thanks :) ill be hardening them off shortly once I get permission from my landlord lord to put these on the roof. Awesome sun and breeze!

I have noticed a couple gnats around the house but nothing in the soil. I haven't been top feeding but the last time I watered, Sunday, I top fed and gave the soil a good drink. Next time around ill bottom feed, then next water with a good drink. I totally forgot to check the plants this morning, which isn't going to be good when I get home :/ as for the Adema diagnosis, I don't think it's likely. This only happens when I don't water enough, like tonight, when I get home I'll snap a picture and I'm pretty sure they'll look like that again. I really should have watered this morning. :/

Thanks :) ill be hardening them off shortly once I get permission from my landlord lord to put these on the roof. Awesome sun and breeze!

Love that California ocean breeze.
Hey all,

Quick question. I harvested my Serano's a month or so ago, I got a little over zealous and about a week ago, put them on a 12/12 cycle. I mistakenly had then on a 18/6 cycle the whole time. LOL They just decided to auto flower a month or so ago. I managed to gather 5-6 pods each serrano, but the Scotch bonnet only had a few peppers, 3 or 4 tops. They've been on the plant for a while now, and I was wondering when do they start turning red /orange?
Yeah thats what im thinking. :/ They arent getting any bigger, and a few more are starting to grow. It's been 6-7 weeks now I think. The serranos where delicious.

ajijoe's mystery pepper started to bloom, I have one flower so far and a few more about to pop. I'll let ya know when they start to show. :)
I did harvest some seeds from the Seranno plants. I used 3 or 4 pods, but after the next harvest I'll gladly offer up some SASBE on all my plants. :)

Pics from today... What gives with this plant?????? Under 150w LED (Commet)


Perhaps it's over watering, the only problem with that I that my other plants where watered at the same time, and they where starting to wilt like the other pictures I showed. I added some CalMag to their water today. Proper 5ml per gal, with 16-18ml Botanicare Bloom Pro. I'm not a huge fan of these drain to waste nutrients. I'm considering next season saving up a bit of cash, really doing my research, and making my own organic soil.

I have been going pretty easy on the CalMag because I wasn't seeing signs of calcium deficiencies.

I don't want to love em to much ya know

Found this if anyone is reading and wants to see what else is out there.


Here's another one. This does not apply to my grow what so ever. The soil, environment, and general cleanliness in my grow is awesome. I haven't seen any sign of infestation or pest issues.

So I'm not too sure about the CalMag. It looks like it helped a little bit though. The plant is one of mystery seeds given to me, so I'm not too sure about its genetics. It seems to be doing fine since the watering. The leave are starting to uncurl a little bit.
Some weird looking leaves. What's up with that?

In this pic it looks like you have mild edema but I could easily be wrong. I see you let your plants wilt before your last water though so I guess you've cut back on watering. I think that will clear up the edema. Your plants still look great though! Good luck this year!
Yeah, it's been interesting taking care of different plants. It seems like the Scotch Bonnet wants to drink a lot. I base my watering schedule around the Scotch Bonnet because of this. The serranos can go a couple extra days without watering, sometimes 3 or more extra days. As for the Mystery Plant, I'm still trying to figure out when and how much to water these guys. Because I ran out of space recently, I wanted to keep the plants smaller by forcing a bloom cycle, my biggest concern right now is when it starts to warm up, how well are they going to hold up going from a forced bloom, to a veg cycle out doors. I still need to speak with my landlord about moving these guy up to the roof.
Here are some more pics...




What's going on here???? I have a couple of these plants touching each other. I've seen something similar when plant leaves rub up against other plants... I hope this isn't blight.
So it's been a while since I last posted. I've finally hardened off my plants, thought a bit to quickly I might add.

I have some pics I'll share, one of which will require a Pepper ID from a package of seeds I got from AjiJoe. I am unable to upload pics from the office because my phone is on the fritz and wont recognize my USB cord.

I've freed up some space inside now, and I'll begin germinating some sunflowers and a few of the other seeds I received from all the SASBE I sent out last year.

Updates coming soon.

To include:
- Sunburn?
- What? Is that nutrient burn?
- Umm... What they heck is this? tell me it isn't pests?
- Wow! This thing is my youngest, and now my TALLEST plant.
- Check that out! 7gallon pot!
- Wow these guys are small, what am I doing wrong?
- My two smallest plants are my best producers! Didn't expect that.

The weather was warming up a couple weeks ago, and I was pretty anxious to get them out side and growing under natural light. Unfortunately by the end of the hardening off process, temperatures dropped back down to the 60s in the day time and 50's at night. :/ It also rained, and we had super dense fog for a few days. Thankfully they all seem to be doing really well despite the nonsense weather and quick hardening off process. I spent about 4-5 days of moving them in and out in and out for an extra hour each time. I got swamped with work and had to either get them outside in the shade and let em deal, or bring them back in and ask my roommate to handle it. He's not to interested in helping so I figured if something goes wrong with the way I DO IT, the only person to blame would be me, and I will have learned from my own mistakes.

Well, I gotta head out, I'll have some updates pretty soon.

An album I just made.

Check this out though.... :/


I have some Fox Farm - Dont Bug Me! - http://foxfarmfertilizer.com/item/dont-bug-me-environmentally-friendly-insect-spray.html

But I have to wait until the sun goes down before I spray it. :/

What do you guys think?
Kill 'em, kill 'em with fire. :onfire: Well, maybe not. The stuff you are using is basically the same as what I use, except mine has a little sulfur in it. It's deadly on aphids. You could try the 50/50 coffee/water solution some folks are talking about if you don't want to wait for sundown.
I tried the 50/50 coffee water trick. Not sure it helped because I didn't have a chance to take a look. I left shortly after that. When I returned I hit all th plants with Don't Bug Me! Well see what happens.