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First time grower, long time lover

i replaced the wooden board i previously had my lights mounted on with 2 individual "logs" this should finally give me air circulation upwards and away which i think was the source for my heat buildup !

now it looks like this:

here are also some ipomoeas in the windowssill that will climb the walls of my balcony and provide some nice color flowers:

Ciao Ohmatic-

I don't have anything to add regarding growing your chilis, I'm learning as I go with these lovely people, too.

I would like to say, however, that your camera is amazing. What kind is it? To get that kind of resolution on a small tomato seedling..I'm very impressed.
thanks everybody for the good words ! regarding the camera:

QuadShotz said:
BTW, great pix from a 2MP cell..dang!

sony ericsson k750i

it actually has a macro mode that WORKS it just takes me like 30 pics to have one that really looks like i want it to
im currently toying around to see how low i can get the tubes to the plants.

i installed a heat sensor at the level the top leaves of the plants are, so i get an accurate reading of how hot it is there.

anything up to 30C / 90F is fine aight ?

ohmatic said:
well after the night they seem to do fine so i guess its all good :)

ill update once i repotted

i am about to repot and i have a question !

i read you can bury tomatos up to the leaves in the pots and they will form roots along the stem,
does this also apply to chilis ?
ohmatic said:
i am about to repot and i have a question !

i read you can bury tomatos up to the leaves in the pots and they will form roots along the stem,
does this also apply to chilis ?

I usually bury the chilis as much as I can and haven't found a problem.
LET's GO !

red chili with daddy, anybody can tell the strain ?

two red chili lovers:

and another red one:

baby jalapeno found during repotting:
is it allright to expose the plants to sunlight during the days if it is warm outside ?

it would allow me to turn off the neons and save some energy and i also read there are benefits from doing that !

i think if i want to do this, i have to gradually increase the amount they get,
like first half an hour, back inside, next day an hour, back inside and so on.

true or what ?
ohmatic said:
is it allright to expose the plants to sunlight during the days if it is warm outside ?

it would allow me to turn off the neons and save some energy and i also read there are benefits from doing that !

i think if i want to do this, i have to gradually increase the amount they get,
like first half an hour, back inside, next day an hour, back inside and so on.

true or what ?

It's called 'Hardening Off' and you're right on the money. Or you could start the out in the shade first. Just don't forget about them and have the temps drop while they're out.

Good luck.
imaguitargod said:
First pic I think is a Chili De Arbol.

thanx for the guess, ill try to get a strain name, i know who should know

patrick said:
It's called 'Hardening Off' and you're right on the money. Or you could start the out in the shade first. Just don't forget about them and have the temps drop while they're out.

Good luck.

nice, so the 1h increments sound fine ?