• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

First timer pepper grow! Planted Feb. 17th, 2013- Pods Multiplying!

I just started my first jalapeno plant. put in the seeds yesterday. using general purpose vegetable miracle grow and seed starting store-bought potting soil in a 4" wide plastic pot with bottom-feed tray. any advice? remember i am new at all this, just starting to look into hydroponics, and plan on starting a hydro system. any fertilizer/ph/watering schedule/ temp/ nutrient/food advice would be greatly appreciated. im very excited to see how my first yeild turns out. i am thinking i might start my next few seeds on a wet tissue to let the seeds burst, and then plant the successful sprouters, and i will be keeping the seeds/plants growing in the same room as my reptiles, which is kept at approx 70-85*F ambient temperature, then moving them into the window sill or outdoors (not sure yet) onto my front balcony. again, any advice would be greatly appreciated.p
Yup. Looking a bit leggy.
A bit of breeze and more, closer light will fix that up.

Already looking better than my first grow, but don't get discouraged by the inevitable "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune".
Learning how to cure problems is 1/2 the fun, and you can find several remedies to just about every situation here somewhere.

As for hydro---damned simple.
Something to hold the solution.
Something to hold the plants.
Something to bubble/spray/circulate.
Doesn't have to be complicated or expensive.
1 full day on the new light and already im seeing a dramatic improvement on the plant structure. the leaves are lifting themselves up more, and half the plants that were still stretching suddenly stopped and started growing true leaves!
i cant believe how much of a difference just the distance to the light makes
Huddle your plants closer together, even if you have to place a shelve or plank beneath the cups. The closer to the light source the better, as long as the heat thrown off from the bulb isn't to warm.

You can rotate the cups every other day so some will end up directly under the light.

As mill said, the black or purple striping is very normal.
Looks like it, and probably, but I'd let the plant grow a little more first so you don't risk damaging the growing tip when you pick the flowers.
todays update! (oh and dont mind the bends, the cat knocked them off and most of them were on their side for a day till i got back home)

SuperChilli-(2 plants)

7 pot- (7 plants)

Bhut-Jolokia- (3 plants)

"the stage"
noticed this morning on my way out the door that the jal plant's incoming leaves look like they are brown on the ends (they havent finished unfolding yet) and some of them look like the leaf shape is slightly deformed, is this normal or could the previous over-watering-damage be causing it? any ideas? i will post pics tonight or tomorrow for reference, just wanted to see if anyone knows this one off the bat.
The first one looks like the leaf touched a hot bulb. The second might be abrasion damage from the twine. I can't help you with the third one, maybe mites? Maybe someone else will chime in.
The first one looks like the leaf touched a hot bulb. The second might be abrasion damage from the twine. I can't help you with the third one, maybe mites? Maybe someone else will chime in.

forgot to mention... i did tap the leaves repeatedly over a peice of white paper and didnt see anything, and i have inspected the leaves and dont see any "dots" on them. could it be from the previous over watering?
+1 for Sawyer

For the last pic with necrosis : did you change anything in your routine ? (fert, watering, etc.). It seems like a deficiency like zinc or phosphorus imo.

Idea : gurus should definitely pin a post with deficiencies with pics and explanation. Something like this but for peppers ...
Nice find. I bet there is a lot of crossover in pepper vs. other for symptoms of deficiencies.

Edit: typo
+1 for Sawyer

For the last pic with necrosis : did you change anything in your routine ? (fert, watering, etc.). It seems like a deficiency like zinc or phosphorus imo.

Idea : gurus should definitely pin a post with deficiencies with pics and explanation. Something like this but for peppers ...
i started ph balancing the water, stopped adding miracle grow to the water, changed bulbs from a reptile heat lamp to a 5500k CFL, started watering only when the leaves droop, picked off several developing flower buds but other than that, no... i know i need to get a bigger pot for the roots to spread soon, but i dont know if this is due to not enough space or what,
ive been thinking of using a blanced fert for soil, until i get the money for my hydroponic set up in about a month, after which i plan on using a two part mix, ph balanced and ppm controlled,

Why did you tap the leaves ? Do your peppers like bondage ?
oh yea what do you think the twine is for? lol no i was told to do that to check for mites or pests. something about a tiny almost yellowish spider like insects that would be almost too small to see that eat leaves, especially new growth, and are nearly impossible to fight once you get them (also he mentioned a treatment method you could attempt if you did have them using colored sticky paper that would attract/ trap them ) ill have to ask him what he was talking about (spider mites?)