• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

First timer pepper grow! Planted Feb. 17th, 2013- Pods Multiplying!

I just started my first jalapeno plant. put in the seeds yesterday. using general purpose vegetable miracle grow and seed starting store-bought potting soil in a 4" wide plastic pot with bottom-feed tray. any advice? remember i am new at all this, just starting to look into hydroponics, and plan on starting a hydro system. any fertilizer/ph/watering schedule/ temp/ nutrient/food advice would be greatly appreciated. im very excited to see how my first yeild turns out. i am thinking i might start my next few seeds on a wet tissue to let the seeds burst, and then plant the successful sprouters, and i will be keeping the seeds/plants growing in the same room as my reptiles, which is kept at approx 70-85*F ambient temperature, then moving them into the window sill or outdoors (not sure yet) onto my front balcony. again, any advice would be greatly appreciated.p
Congrats Michael, always nice to see new pop’s in the germ cups :)

PM your address, I will send you some 7 pots...no need to pay 50 cents each.

they will go out thursday

One thing to remember, do not baby your plants to death. constantly hovering over them will kill them, you will over water, over fertilize, over everything. Let them grow on their own
Hats off Rodney \o_ I always love to read bout someone spreading da pepper love!
measurement update 3-7-13. also started some fresh 7 pot, bhut, and fatalii seeds last night! finally got a ph balancing kit from a friend as a gift, and i have started watering with properly balanced water! The original tap ph i was using was almost 8.5!
JALAPENO standing at just over 2 1/4"

SUPERCHILLI's almost 1'"
heat bulb went out this morning, so i turned off the air in the room to keep it warmer, and dropped in a temporary halogen bulb. i should be getting a new light tomorrow, but ill have to keep them happy till then. any advice?

Refresh my memory about your grow setup??? Under lights or in a window? If under lights they are certainly warm enough when the lights are on to keep the ones that are up moving. If that is your only germ heat source that could be an issue. I would let the ones germing get some sun during the day and bring them in the house at night. Your high temps look to be in the upper 70s to mid 80s all week...that'll pop 'em no fake heat needed!

Also, your last frost date says March 21st...almost time to make a move. Looking at your weather you should be set through then. A low of 49 tonight and 54 tomorrow then after that looks to be great with lows 60-65...
Refresh my memory about your grow setup??? Under lights or in a window? If under lights they are certainly warm enough when the lights are on to keep the ones that are up moving. If that is your only germ heat source that could be an issue. I would let the ones germing get some sun during the day and bring them in the house at night. Your high temps look to be in the upper 70s to mid 80s all week...that'll pop 'em no fake heat needed!

Also, your last frost date says March 21st...almost time to make a move. Looking at your weather you should be set through then. A low of 49 tonight and 54 tomorrow then after that looks to be great with lows 60-65...

i am/was heating & lighting them using a reptile heat light. i do have a reptile heat mat, which i will probably throw under the plants for the next few days until i have a better system set up, but for the moment i have them under a high efficiency halogen bulb, not far from the window, which is uncovered to give them more light. still not as much light as they had before the bulb went out, and not nearly the temp i wanted them to be at (ambient temp is approx 65-70). i figure ill use the repti-heat mat to keep them warm, then set them with the high efficiency halogen bulb 4-5" away from the plants, and keep the window uncovered to give them as much light as possible until i can get the better bulb. any idea if a 75 watt MH or LED grow bulb will work?
Either will work, but will probably be underpowered. A few CFLs or a T8 shoplight would be better. Between the two choices I would go with the MH just be careful not to burn the plants.
im guessing i should start a little farther away and gradually over time see how close it gets before the plants start not liking it? or just keep it far enough away to maintain the desired 85 degrees?
question- when you end up with multiple germinations in the same cup, is it possible to seperate them into different cups? if so, when should you transplant? i just thought about the nutrient competition between the plants, and i dont want to loose the extras, but i know i cant keep them in one cup. advice?
7 pot


Search the forum for "separating seedlings" and you'll find a lot of info. Some folks separate right away. I prefer to wait until the plants are a little tougher. The key is to be gentle.