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First Try

My wife and I made our first batch of sauce last night. We pretty much just went for it and winged it, after reading about different methods, etc. 
I think it tastes great, but the consistency is a little too chunky for me (We were using a little ninja food chopper to process the peppers. I thought we had a blender, but alas, we do not). 
What do you think? 
Habenero, Fresno Red Chilis, Thai Chili, Bell Pepper, some spices, vinegar, garlic. 
I didn't remove any of the seeds, so there are a ton in the sauce. If I had a better blender, would it pulverize these, or should I plan on removing at least some of the seeds from future sauces? 
We processed everything first, and then cooked it down to maybe 60-75%? 
Then we did the ole hot bottling, turn the bottle upside down trick. 
Ha! This was the only picture of the sauce I took last night. 
Just salt, pepper, garlic. And I always melt a little butter on top while it rests. This was a strip that was on sale. XD
whitedog said:
I didn't remove any of the seeds, so there are a ton in the sauce. If I had a better blender, would it pulverize these, or should I plan on removing at least some of the seeds from future sauces? 
I've never had a blender (or anything for that matter) that would pulverize the seeds. They always seems to sneak through the process so +1 on removing them.
Looks good. Just call it "rustic" and you're golden  :P
A food mill is a nice investment if you plan on doing this more. Will get rid of those seeds and make the consistency more smooth. I actually like to roughly chop ingredients with a knife, cook the bejeezus out of it, puree with a stick blender, and then if it's still too thick, put it through a food mill then.
Enjoy, and welcome.
I don’t have a lot of sauce making exp but I don’t think you can overblend the sauce. I don’t have a food mill so I run the blender a long time to try to smooth out my sauce.
Your pic looks tasty.

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