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seeds Floating Seeds

cool .............. last night i put a couple seeds to soak in a paper towel ..... just prior to soaking i dunked them into a small container of water ..... almost everyone of them float..... except for a couple ...... was really hoping for the answers given above :D
Just to offer a different opinion here. The following is a quote from Dave Dewitt out of his new book:

"place the seeds in a jar of water and discard any that float. These are damaged, partial seeds and those lacking embryos."

I always got rid of any floaters but I guess there's still a chance they could work out.
I always plant all seeds floating or not. This year about 80% of the seeds were floaters and I still had a germination rate of above 90%

It was my understanding, but I could be wrong of course :), that the float test is for fresh seeds. Viable fresh seeds sink.
They may float when you first put them in the water, but let them soak for a little while and many of them will sink. I didn't sow any that floated after soaking overnight, but I also soaked more seeds than I intended to sow, so it wasn't an issue for me.
NoVa Hothead said:
They may float when you first put them in the water, but let them soak for a little while and many of them will sink. I didn't sow any that floated after soaking overnight, but I also soaked more seeds than I intended to sow, so it wasn't an issue for me.

This would be the only way I would think it might hold true. If soaking at least 8 hours, then get rid of the floaters.
Hi Trinicoolie.... What are you growing in this bad drought we having...??? And Wasa Police on the prowl... But that ent stopping me from watering my plants...
lol at TriniHottie .................. i know know...... WASA police on the prowl........ but i designed four 2 MGD desalination plants in the south western peninsula to help with the country's water woes..... only thing they would be finished when the rainy season starts..... so its not going to help us right now...... and if they catch me watering plants with a hose.... i will pull the Desalcott card on them..... hehehe...

The following is what i set so far:

CARDI Scorps
Red Savina
Guampinho De Veado
Elephant's Trunk
Aji Lemon
Something from Peru - not to sure what it is..... but i hope to find out
Big Jim Anaheim
Lemon Drop
Atomic Heart
Devil's Tongue

i hoping to supplement with some others i should be getting soon:
Hungrain HW
pipe in a drip system for every plant use very low level nozzles put on a cheap timer . no one will ever see you watering,starter drip system about 38.00 at Lowe's.
Sorry to post this so late on but I feel it is an important thing to note:

The floating seed Myth is from Marijuana/Cannabis/Weed/Pot growing methods and certainly (according to those in the know not including any personal experience * disclaimer* :beer: ) holds truth.

however I don't believe it holds any truth with chilli seeds (if not anything else due to their shape/physics and the possibility of placental tissue being joined to the seed which promotes floating) and I certainly would encourage everyone to plant every single seed they soak whether floating or sinking.

You are probably best simply to inspect the seeds for any obvious deformations/growths/weirdness in eliminating seeds if anything at all.

You lose nothing by trying to sprout every seed soaked except maybe a little patience :lol: