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Florida Trippin'

We're trippin y'all!
Tuesday morning CJ and I are headed to Florida for a trip of epic proportions.
Neither one of us have ever been anywhere tropical, unless you count the Miragé Las Vegas, (I don't).
We'll be hangin with Sicman and LadySic for a few days in Dade City. Then on Friday the 13th the four of us will travel to Sarasota for CJ's birthay dinner at Wheebz' restaurant, Darwin's. SumofmyBits is coming up from Miami, and hopefully RocketMan will come down from Orlando to meet us there for dinner. No word on Bear, that guy. I sent his invitation with an 18 pack of Busch Light. You'd think he could RSVP.
Anyway, Saturday morning, all of us except for RocketMan will caravan down to Miami for a LooWow at FryDad's. Not sure what all is going to happen, maybe just the usual alligator wrestling, swamp boating, etc. and i told them I really want to "Swim with the Manatees".

We will all be posting pictures, and updates. I might not be able to post pictures until we get back, but ahhh well.

Thanks in advance to all of our Florida friends for hosting the Birthday trip of a lifetime.
I hope we have a little fun. Heh heh heh...
Sicman, FD, Sum, RM...y'all feel free to PM me for tips on "how to handle a Scovie".


and Scovie, if SumB offers to let you milk a manatee........ well.....GO FOR IT!!!

I can't wait to see the un-edited pics~~~ :cool:

xoxo, have a blast, you deserve it!~
Yeah, guys, I hope your trip is just the best!
Have fun and travel safely, friends!
Thanks Spongee, and Paul!

SL, we'll have you over for a box-o-wine-slideshow-night. And maybe Manatee steaks.
it's a date!
Man. You are both going to have a great time. Those Soflo boys can cook like mofos. And drink. And swim naked with the gators. I'm really excited for you both. Even if you just sit on a porch the whole time, it will be a blast. Next trip has to be a visit to the PA posse though. Just sayin.
hope y'all have a great trip! we're gonna be down there in december just up the road from the sicman and hope to visit then.
This could be the start of a whole new kind of travel club. :lol:
Thanks y'all, this is part of what makes THP so awesome, meeting people, going to see them, and sharing it all with the rest!
Seriously getting excited, got all our business stuff finished, went to the dump, changed out my studded tires, and now drankin HHHWhiskey... Time to actually start Packing... WHOOT!
will this quench yalls thirst?

WOW, sic..... just WOW! You guys are going to have an absolute blast!

Oh, and Scovie - "which one" was what you edited out! LOL
will this quench yalls thirst?


Dude. You better man that up a lot more. When Jay came to visit the big dry ditch, we killed at least 3/4 of that in one evening. I've seen Scovie's posts. He'd probably drink at least half of what you got there hissef'.

You're Awesome Sicman! Don't worry TB, I haven't brought my share yet.

I smell a party Sic's! We will be there in 48 hours..... Tic toc....
will this quench yalls thirst?


That'll take care of Scovie, but what are you, LadySic and CJ gonna drink???

btw, Siccy, I think you gave me the wrong t-shirt. I think you gave me a cursed t-shirt instead of a magical t-shirt. The first time I wore it (on the way home from ZestFest) it got splattered with red wine when I opened one of those little travel boxes. I managed to launder that out and the next time I wore it, it got red wine splashed from a travel mug..... What is it with that shirt, travel and red wine?!?!???

Maybe I shouldn't drink red wine when I'm traveling????

NAW! That can't be it!

Anyways, I just dropped off a little something with SD and CJ for y'all. Hope you enjoy it! :evil: jeejeejeejee