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Has anyone else noticed flys hanging out on the leaves of their plants? I noticed it last year too! They seem to just stay in the one spot not aware that your there like they are sleeping or something. What about how to stop them any ideas?

a pic with a fly hanging out on one of my Naga plants.

Yep noticed it a lot this year and found some eggs layed under a few leaves to..But depends on the species i suppose :)
Just chilling I guess! I noticed the same and I had one butterfly in my garden that was sitting on the same plant every day for weeks.
BB...get a couple of sticky fly strips and hang them around your garden...only problem is they are not selective when catching flying insects...I didn't notice any bee's on them this year tho...
No need for that, flies won't harm your plants a bit, you might as well let them hang out and chill! :) Better than catching ladybugs or bees.
agree with the won't hurt part...but I hate them in my house and have a couple of strips on the back porch...another use for the sticky fly strips is if you put them on the edges of your garden, you can see what insects are visiting you garden...including aphids, white flies, etc...kinda like an early warning signal..
AlabamaJack said:
agree with the won't hurt part...but I hate them in my house and have a couple of strips on the back porch...another use for the sticky fly strips is if you put them on the edges of your garden, you can see what insects are visiting you garden...including aphids, white flies, etc...kinda like an early warning signal..

Early warning is a good idea,Going to try that as an early warning against aphids :)
i dont think i can say enough how much i hate aphids.... akmost lost everything last winter because of them, and probably would have if my cat hadnt finished off most of my plants first..
Looks like a Green Bottle fly or Blow Fly. They breed in manure, decaying vegetation and animal flesh or meat and hang out in BBs backyard
The flys on my plants didnt just sit on the leaves, they would go into the flowers too.

So, if they are polinating I could care less. Let em be :)
I had flies on my peppers this year! Turns out they were pepper maggot flies, and they destroyed pretty much my entire crop of bells and jalapenos.

If the flies you're seeing are yellowish - DESTROY THEM!!!!
I put the fruit fly traps up on the weekend and i'm starting to catch the little sh*ts already.

last season i had no real problem with aphids but the fruit fly wiped out 99% of my capsicums and most of my orange, brown and red habs. They didn't touch the jals for some reason....

Bloody Sh*tful things!!!!!
If you don't nip this in the bud, pretty soon they'll bring their friends with long hair, motorcycles, tatoos and etc..........