jb_orchidguy said:Global warming is a cycle. Its not sped up or whatever they want to call it by fossil fuels.
Aspartame will turn into formaldehyde and is unstable above 80 something degrees. Its what cause thengilf war sickness back in then first gulf war. (It has never been proven, and out of all the potential causes this is the least likely) Many doctors will tell you the same thing and that's why people with migraines shouldn't drink aspartame. Let's nit even mention all the miriad of other health issues it causes. And the story of how it took three tries to get it approved I about there. I've found it a couple of times. It should never have been approved.
I am assuming you never read the link? ESFA groups are made up of the top scientists in Europe, they are not allowed to have any conflicts of interest no matter how tenuous. They are actually disliked/despised by the big corps as they consistently refuse food claims as you need a really high level of evidence. The big corp opponents reckon they are too strict when it comes to evaluating the evidence. If they have said something is safe, I trust them as they have gone through all available credible evidence rigorously, rather than some cherry picking cowboy who gets all their info from sites like mercola.com, naturalnews etc etc. EFSA will not approve something because someone will stand to make money on it.
GMO is the same way. As I said before not all of it is bad, but they are playing with fire and there are some that's not good. One day the chimera we make will turn around and bite us.
Scientists want funding for their work. And I can make any study look like I want based on what the pocket book says and it also goes hand in hand with interpretation sometimes and how studies are conducted. Its not a black and white endeavour.
I've seen the spider silk in goats milk on video on the news. Chimera. Will bite back.
As previously stated, peer review and replication of studies, weeds out the cowboys.