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Found This MONSTER Munching on one of My Peppers...

This thing was going to town defoliating one of my naga plants. Thankfully I found and EXTERMINATED it before too much damage was done.

What the hell is this thing? Some type of Catepillar?

Yup, hornworm caterpillar. Just one of those can destroy a plant in a few days. I thought I had a deer wiping out my plant until I discovered one last year. They are pure evil.
+1 on the hornworm. Those things will chomp down a plant in no time. Good thing you caught him when you did or you might not had a naga left.
I had one of those big bastards on one of my pequin plants just last week. It's been bright sunshine and well over 100 for the last two weeks. Don't know how he survived the intense desert heat and sunshine to make it onto my plant. I scraped him off the plant with a weed stick and tossed him over the brick wall onto 140 degree asphalt where he was promptly smashed and flamed. Bastard stripped the leaves off several branches off of my best plant. I thought about calling in a squadron of unmanned drones for a precision airstrike but though better of it as I have too many "friendlies" (assasin bugs) around.

Cheers, TB.
There is some variety of black and yellow caterpillar that attacks the parsley and carrots each year.

I used to make them bleed green, until my daughter (then 5) decided to save them all from mean old daddy.

She put them in a mesh bug catcher with an acceptable amount of carrot foliage.

Over the next month, they crysalis....ed...or whatever, and for a week straight, there are gorgeous butterflies hatching in that thing.

It is fun to set them free by opening the door.

Now I actually like finding them.

Of course, that would all change if I found one munching on my queen 7 POT.;)
Those caterpillers are, themselves, subject to some kind of parasite, too. So, while they are munching your plants, sometimes things attach themselves to the caterpillar, and then the caterpillar doesn't move anymore. I observed this on a tomato plant when I was younger.
okay..no shit as i recount this.

the second i saw the pic i got the creeps and screamed "oh f*** that! oh f*** that! oh f*** that!"

texas blues said:
I had one of those big bastards on one of my pequin plants just last week. It's been bright sunshine and well over 100 for the last two weeks. Don't know how he survived the intense desert heat and sunshine to make it onto my plant. I scraped him off the plant with a weed stick and tossed him over the brick wall onto 140 degree asphalt where he was promptly smashed and flamed. Bastard stripped the leaves off several branches off of my best plant. I thought about calling in a squadron of unmanned drones for a precision airstrike but though better of it as I have too many "friendlies" (assasin bugs) around.

Cheers, TB.

ha ha ha ... love ur work dude... !
fineexampl said:
okay..no shit as i recount this.

the second i saw the pic i got the creeps and screamed "oh f*** that! oh f*** that! oh f*** that!"


Ya man, I had the same reaction when I first spotted this monster.

I noticed that some of my new growth had been decimated to bark,,,about 3 end stems. Next, I spot these nasty droppings next to the pot. Must have been about a dozen of them. So now I'm thinking wtf! Vermin!!!! I quickly scan the plant and surrounding areas. Nothing seems to be out of place and no vermin. So now I focus my eyes like a laser bean intently on every INCH of this plant. THen I spot it...OOOOoooooo shit!!! shit shit shit! G'damn wtf is this!!! fkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

Like bigt said, these things are pure EVIL!

PeteyPepper said:
This thing was going to town defoliating one of my naga plants. Thankfully I found and EXTERMINATED it before too much damage was done.

What the hell is this thing? Some type of Catepillar?


Hornworms make great treats for my chooks. Love to watch the green goo fly as they are drawn and quartered. :D

Katrina said:
And the easiest of pests to control.... Bacillus thuringiensis

Spinosad is better, organic like BT and kills a broader spectrum of baddies and lasts longer to boot. The first time I used this stuff one evening I observed the carnage it caused the following morning. Good stuff, try it and I'm sure you'll agree. ;)
Caterpillars have shown themselves on my plants lately. The little buggers make a pod their home for the night by boring a hole into it.
What is the best poison to use on these? I have removed all the ones i could find manually but there has to be more there, whats really going to knock them into next week?
since i sprayed with pyrethrum.. and neem.. on the same day..;. nothing has come near my plants... it hasnt rained since and that might have something to do with it.. but still.. its been working for me!
Hmmm, i have dosed these plants up on Neem several times but the cat's are still there. Haven't had any aphids though witch is a bonus.

What i am looking for would be the equivalent to agent orange or mustard gas, i wanna makes these buggers pay.