• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
Glad to hear how well things are going - sounds like lots of good stuff!  That office CGN is a fantastic looking plant.  Big fan or the 21500's foliage and symmetry that one's got it going on.  Can't wait to see it pod up and obscure that entire window - co-workers schmo-workers IMO.
Oh, and sous vide octopus...  Now on the must-do list.
Keep the good things happening!
Got some updated pictures of the real producers.
I didn't even realize how red these had gotten since I usually look at them in blurple.

That one is on the left; it's actually the runt. The big one on the right only has one ripening pepper, but it's flowering like crazy, and the flowers are setting; it's going to put out a good haul soon.

So here we have the top shelf. Kinda glad the lighting never works, because it's not... top shelf. Despite how they look, though, they're actually doing better than they were.

And here's the bottom. You can see one of the fans I got; ended up being unrealistic to get oscillating ones, but these are pretty decent at an OK price. Plenty of basil and mint clones, as well as the J bell peppers and goronong.
skullbiker said:
I have an area about 150 feet square next to my garden with plum trees overgrown so thick that you would not even be able to crawl through it. I kind of let it get horribly out of shape.
I saw this again and it just occurred to me to ask. Those plum trees have no problem with winter, then? Mine doesn't seem too concerned with it, but I have no idea where the grower kept it before I got it. If they come back after Minnesota winters, though, it'll certainly have no problem here.
internationalfish said:
I saw this again and it just occurred to me to ask. Those plum trees have no problem with winter, then? Mine doesn't seem too concerned with it, but I have no idea where the grower kept it before I got it. If they come back after Minnesota winters, though, it'll certainly have no problem here.
I would think yours will be fine. Mine come back every year, even when it gets-30+f.
skullbiker said:
I would think yours will be fine. Mine come back every year, even when it gets-30+f.
Cool, thanks. I don't really miss -30 days, but I certainly do miss snow. Winter here is pretty much just cold enough to be annoying but without the payoff of actually getting snow. Seriously weak.
CaneDog said:
Good deals on the Alma froot, iFish!  Congrats.  Really liking the matte red and green on that pod.
Thanks! Yeah, it's pretty nice. 
CaneDog said:
If the flavor's a bit mild for you I'm sure those chocolate habs will step it up a notch when their time comes!  :surprised:
Oh yeah, I'm sure of that. 
 The alma flavor is very clean. It actually tastes like it should be spicy, if that makes sense, but has no kick at all that I can detect. I think they'll dry up well, but of course this requires confirmation.
In other news, the office 21500 is in full-on blossom-drop mode, and I can't see any pollen. Still waiting on the thermo/hygrometer, but if it's just not humid enough in here, it might just be stuck as a pretty little flowering plant. Not ideal, since I have at least two other pepper plants I wanted to bring in to free up a little space.  :confused:
I'm starting to think maybe a 1000W light up top is just way too much. I'm now getting serious leaf drop and discoloration... my purple UFO is flowering like mad but still shedding most of its leaves. The 350W on the bottom shelf is keeping everything down there very happy.
Considering ordering a 500W to replace the top light. Does this seem like a potential cause?  :neutral:
Of course I am no pepper expert here but I would kind of assume the same as you that perhaps the light intensity may be abit much, though countless articles I have read will say its from the heat but I have gone through many reads that contradict that claim as well.
I spose the only way to know for sure is to rig it higher which of course you cannot do without taking it out of your tent or to buy another light which totally sucks.
Is there any way to have them all on the bottom of the tent at all??
iFish, what does the discoloration look like?  How full of roots are those bags getting on the bigger plants?  Do they still have any "squeeze" to them? 
I tend to agree with Matt that light intensity can be an issue without excessive heat reaching the plants and without it being obvious or showing what might be considered typical signs.  I run an HLG100 (119w from the wall) in one space (my only LED) and I'd be nervous getting it any closer than where you have your big light (going by memory of your space here) as I've had it scorch foliage from a surprising distance.
Hey, 'Fish, how are the cuttings/rootings
in the orange test tube racks doing?
Your grow is looking good.