• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
Walchit said:
They will. Let them dry pretty good between watering. Some people even let their plants wilt before they water, I can't really let mine go that long lol.
Agreed, no need to stress the plants out any
more than they get outside anyway. They need 
good growth early to favor good growing later.
PaulG said:
Agreed, no need to stress the plants out any
more than they get outside anyway. They need 
good growth early to favor good growing later.
Wow, you managed to somehow page-top with a quote from an entirely different thread. Getting a little desperate there, bud. 
I finally got a thermo/hygro/meter in here... we knew the office temperature is uncomfortably high, but this poor guy is at 91 F and 36% humidity as of shortly after 9AM.  :confused:

You can see that he is putting out a whole bunch of flowers and managing at least one pepper, but it seems to me the high temp and low humidity are likely to keep his production minimal.
I'd move him away from the window, but that window almost always has its shades drawn for most of the day, so that'd be a serious sunlight reduction.
internationalfish said:
Wow, you managed to somehow page-top with a quote from an entirely different thread. Getting a little desperate there, bud. 
Haha, must have been a leftover multi quote
from another thread that I forgot to respond to
A few things to update. :)
My wife's latest basil and mint order got potted up. This is the before.

I didn't actually take an after of the potted herbs, because that's boring. But I took a picture of my kitchen after my wife cleaned the test tubes, because I love feeling like a lame-ass mad scientist with a wife who knows I'm lame but takes pity on me. The only real difference between that and reality is that in reality I'm just a normal scientist (and a mediocre one at that).

I also ground my (mostly) dried first harvest of alma paprika. Despite being in the dehydrator for at least two and a half days, they still have a little moisture. I don't want to up the temperature too much, so I think I may invest in some silica gel for this kind of thing, since I'm going to have a lot of chiles to dry.

Here it is, ground up and smelling absolutely brilliant. Apologies for the lack of Smell-O-Vision.

And now for my latest growdown failure! 

I watched a Khang Starr video on DIY Kratky that had some ideas I really liked, so I figured I'd try it out with a plant I didn't really have a reason to keep growing anyway.

The yellow thing is a different variation on the orange one I tried for a couple of other bottle grows. Trying it a different way this time. Since the Sri Lanka x WTF already has a decent root system, I figured I'd just remove the sponge (medium), put the stem straight into the cylinder, and pad it with perlite.

I got most of the soil out of the roots. Hopefully enough that it'll be fine.
The nutrients ended up being much weaker than I intended, which is probably good, because I'm bad at this. So here we go! If this does reasonably well, I'm going to put a little time into blacking out a few of these bottles with spray paint and using them to burn through hybrid generations for the crosses I want to try.

My other bottle grows are having issues. Maybe this one might at least tell me a bit about what I've been doing wrong. Really hoping this ends up working out well.
Mad scientist, indeed!
I'll be interested in watching your Kratky experiment.
What is the yellow thing?
Powder looks awesome. As for drying pods, I like to
keep the temp at 95-100˚F to preserve the color of
the pods. It takes three days or more in our climate
sometimes, which is a pain, but the brilliant color of
the powders are just too cool.
internationalfish said:
A few things to update. :)
My wife's latest basil and mint order got potted up. This is the before.

I didn't actually take an after of the potted herbs, because that's boring. But I took a picture of my kitchen after my wife cleaned the test tubes, because I love feeling like a lame-ass mad scientist with a wife who knows I'm lame but takes pity on me. The only real difference between that and reality is that in reality I'm just a normal scientist (and a mediocre one at that).

I also ground my (mostly) dried first harvest of alma paprika. Despite being in the dehydrator for at least two and a half days, they still have a little moisture. I don't want to up the temperature too much, so I think I may invest in some silica gel for this kind of thing, since I'm going to have a lot of chiles to dry.

Here it is, ground up and smelling absolutely brilliant. Apologies for the lack of Smell-O-Vision.

And now for my latest growdown failure! 

I watched a Khang Starr video on DIY Kratky that had some ideas I really liked, so I figured I'd try it out with a plant I didn't really have a reason to keep growing anyway.

The yellow thing is a different variation on the orange one I tried for a couple of other bottle grows. Trying it a different way this time. Since the Sri Lanka x WTF already has a decent root system, I figured I'd just remove the sponge (medium), put the stem straight into the cylinder, and pad it with perlite.

I got most of the soil out of the roots. Hopefully enough that it'll be fine.
The nutrients ended up being much weaker than I intended, which is probably good, because I'm bad at this. So here we go! If this does reasonably well, I'm going to put a little time into blacking out a few of these bottles with spray paint and using them to burn through hybrid generations for the crosses I want to try.

My other bottle grows are having issues. Maybe this one might at least tell me a bit about what I've been doing wrong. Really hoping this ends up working out well.

I bought a bunch of these awhile back -   https://www.ebay.ca/itm/100-packs-Silica-Gel-Packets-Desiccant-Non-Toxic-Absorb-Moisture-Beads-Bags/254051070713?hash=item3b269fb2f9:m:mE-mpe1z9EyyoOe85fXCLKA
Bought a few hundy of them just for my seed packets when I was harvesting alot of mater seeds, if thats what you were referring too that is.
PaulG said:
I'll be interested in watching your Kratky experiment.
What is the yellow thing?
The yellow thing is the same as the orange thing I have in a couple of other bottles. Basically a little instant-hydroponics thing one of the major fertilizer companies (Hyponex) either sells or teamed up with someone to bundle their nutes with. It comes with a sponge inside that acts like rock wool, a little packet of fertilizer, some seeds, and some pebbles to top it with.
This is the same kind of thing, but it's shorter, so it works better for smaller bottles. I removed the sponge for this one since it didn't need to germinate. I actually did find this variety at the convenience store, which was pretty awesome.
PaulG said:
Powder looks awesome. As for drying pods, I like to
keep the temp at 95-100˚F to preserve the color of
the pods. It takes three days or more in our climate
sometimes, which is a pain, but the brilliant color of
the powders are just too cool.
Huh, OK. That's probably about the same temperature mine was at... I'll have to ensure my wife that it's worth the electricity bill. Just like all the other shit I now run for the majority of the day... 

CDNmatt said:
I bought a bunch of these awhile back -   https://www.ebay.ca/itm/100-packs-Silica-Gel-Packets-Desiccant-Non-Toxic-Absorb-Moisture-Beads-Bags/254051070713?hash=item3b269fb2f9:m:mE-mpe1z9EyyoOe85fXCLKA
Bought a few hundy of them just for my seed packets when I was harvesting alot of mater seeds, if thats what you were referring too that is.
Nice! Yeah, that's what I mean. Though I'm looking at buying the pellets by themselves in a color-changing variant so they're reusable and it's obvious whether they need to be dried out. Thinking about how realistic that is for small containers of powder, though, so I'm not really sure yet. Like most things, it's a couple orders of magnitude more expensive here.
I was searching through the fridge to make sure I'd finished the booze I bought last night (day off today, woohoo!), and I found this. My wife gets lots of freebies and little food/drink gifts from her students, so I asked if I could have it, and being the awesome wife she is, she just said go for it.

It's some kind of weird kale-and-other-green-stuff health drink, but it's pretty good. Anyway, the whole reason I asked was this, obviously.

Since my non-growdown plants are almost the same size and looking nearly identical, I figure this will make an interesting test to see if crowding the roots in Kratky will result in faster production up top.
...but mostly I just knew this would be hilarious. I'm guessing the tiny bottle will result in it being too high-maintenance in terms of topping it up, but if not, it'd be pretty convenient for fitting more just-for-growing-out-crosses plants in a small space.
CDNmatt said:
I thought at first maybe you were looking for some weird potion to grow in so the Sloth pepper had a friend.
I really wish we had more than just a 'like' button for this. 

Since I took the day off to work on a little video game I wanted to make, I obviously spent the day... drinking and walking to convenience stores, looking for those little plastic hydro plugs. Got four more; that's all they had. So now I have nine of the good ones, plus two of the longer ones.
All I have to do now is watch these bottles for a while and decide which size I want to go with for not-quite-mass production. Then it's off to the fish-with-spray-paint races.  :!:
internationalfish said:
A few things to update. :)
I didn't actually take an after of the potted herbs, because that's boring. But I took a picture of my kitchen after my wife cleaned the test tubes, because I love feeling like a lame-ass mad scientist with a wife who knows I'm lame but takes pity on me. The only real difference between that and reality is that in reality I'm just a normal scientist (and a mediocre one at that).
No reason you can't be both mad and mediocre.  Heck, you can be mad because you're mediocre - though I kinda doubt that's the case.
I also ground my (mostly) dried first harvest of alma paprika. Despite being in the dehydrator for at least two and a half days, they still have a little moisture. I don't want to up the temperature too much, so I think I may invest in some silica gel for this kind of thing, since I'm going to have a lot of chiles to dry.
Here it is, ground up and smelling absolutely brilliant. Apologies for the lack of Smell-O-Vision.
That powder looks awesome.  And what, no smell-o-vision?!  You're the scientist; get on that!
The nutrients ended up being much weaker than I intended, which is probably good, because I'm bad at this. So here we go! If this does reasonably well, I'm going to put a little time into blacking out a few of these bottles with spray paint and using them to burn through hybrid generations for the crosses I want to try.
Will be cool to see how this works for you and if you can speed up your stabilization generations, so much the better!
My other bottle grows are having issues. Maybe this one might at least tell me a bit about what I've been doing wrong. Really hoping this ends up working out well.
CDNmatt said:
I thought at first maybe you were looking for some weird potion to grow in so the Sloth pepper had a friend.
Ha ha yes!  This is a good one!
internationalfish said:
I really wish we had more than just a 'like' button for this. 

Since I took the day off to work on a little video game I wanted to make, I obviously spent the day... drinking and walking to convenience stores, looking for those little plastic hydro plugs. Got four more; that's all they had. So now I have nine of the good ones, plus two of the longer ones.
All I have to do now is watch these bottles for a while and decide which size I want to go with for not-quite-mass production. Then it's off to the fish-with-spray-paint races.  :!:
Great way to spend a day iFish!  Can't wait for the warm spring weather to arrive in the PNW. :cheers:
Unfortunate news: My wife nixed the tombstone bonchi I wanted to do. She asked me to put it off because she's getting superstitious about the fact that we're trying to have a kid, and I guess anything associated with death is temporarily off the table.
Looked for something else to use, but nothing really tickled my fancy. So I guess I'll have to wait until we have a baby and I no longer have the time or energy to do any of this. 
Yeah makes sense I can't blame her for that.
The first couple years are hectic to say the least then it starts to settle down a tad....However, you will need a hobby or some sort of escape eventually or will end up jumping off Mount Fuji head first.
My kids are still pretty young 5 and 2 now and the few times a day I get to play with my plants is when my wife lets me be to do my thing and I do the same when it comes to her arts and crafts ect.
Against all odds, pretty much all of my peppers seem to be doing OK. :)
(That's not going to stop me from basically pruning them all to nothing, though, so this acknowledgement is kind of like a participation award. Don't blame me; if any of them aside from the almas had produced anything at freaking all I'd be more likely to give them a pass.)
The only one that's still having issues is one of the new ones, actually.

This is a devil's tongue. I have two of them; the other one dropped the leaves from its bottom half a while ago, but the top looks great. This guy, though, looks like shit, doesn't drop leaves, and won't stop budding. I don't know, maybe "OMG I'm so sorry I can change I can change I can change PLEASE LOVE ME". It's almost entirely dry here; I figured the curling up could be overhydration, but it's not. It's also gotten the same nutrients as every other plant it shares a shelf with. I don't know. It doesn't really matter anyway, kind of just annoying.
CDNmatt said:
That poor plant just isn't diggin something eh
Yeah. And it's almost certainly something I did or didn't do, but at this point... meh. I've got a shipment of wicked badass seeds on the way from WHP, everything else in the tent is doing well, and this jerkoff can't get on board? Nah, bruv. Keep sulking, see where it gets you. Hint: It won't be your own personal Kratky jar.