A few things to update.
My wife's latest basil and mint order got potted up. This is the before.
I didn't actually take an after of the potted herbs, because that's boring. But I took a picture of my kitchen after my wife cleaned the test tubes, because I love feeling like a lame-ass mad scientist with a wife who knows I'm lame but takes pity on me. The only real difference between that and reality is that in reality I'm just a normal scientist (and a mediocre one at that).
I also ground my (mostly) dried first harvest of alma paprika. Despite being in the dehydrator for at least two and a half days, they still have a little moisture. I don't want to up the temperature too much, so I think I may invest in some silica gel for this kind of thing, since I'm going to have a
lot of chiles to dry.
Here it is, ground up and smelling absolutely brilliant. Apologies for the lack of Smell-O-Vision.
And now for my latest growdown failure!
I watched a Khang Starr video on DIY Kratky that had some ideas I really liked, so I figured I'd try it out with a plant I didn't really have a reason to keep growing anyway.
The yellow thing is a different variation on the orange one I tried for a couple of other bottle grows. Trying it a different way this time. Since the Sri Lanka x WTF already has a decent root system, I figured I'd just remove the sponge (medium), put the stem straight into the cylinder, and pad it with perlite.
I got
most of the soil out of the roots. Hopefully enough that it'll be fine.
The nutrients ended up being much weaker than I intended, which is probably good, because I'm bad at this. So here we go! If this does reasonably well, I'm going to put a little time into blacking out a few of these bottles with spray paint and using them to burn through hybrid generations for the crosses I want to try.
My other bottle grows are having issues. Maybe this one might at least tell me a bit about what I've been doing wrong.
Really hoping this ends up working out well.