• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
Look, actual plants!


This is the bottom level of the tent (well, half; the rest is recovering basil and mint clones). Two goronong, which are nice and squat and bushy, despite none of these plants having been topped.

Also two Japanese bell peppers, which are flowering and fruiting like mad; a fish pepper, which is quite healthy despite not yet having an interest in producing; and my healthier white devil's tongue.

The less healthy devil is getting at least a temporary reprieve. My wife made me feel bad about chucking it, so I'm going to pot it and see if it just wants more root room. If that's the case, it'll likely become my third office plant.


Pyoooooob toppaaaaaah. :cool:
I like the way your growing is coming along iFish.  Seems like while you've been keeping busy with projects the peppers have settled into doing their thing and a bunch are now reaching the production stage. Bottom shelf looking proper!
How are the chocolate habs are doing?  Did I miss an update?  Seems like yours were looking pretty good not too long ago and they always seemed to do pretty well for me indoors.
CaneDog said:
I like the way your growing is coming along iFish.  Seems like while you've been keeping busy with projects the peppers have settled into doing their thing and a bunch are now reaching the production stage. Bottom shelf looking proper!
Thanks! The bottom shelf has grown very well. The goronong and devil's tongue took their time, and the J bells quickly overtook them, but they're all quite happy.
CaneDog said:
How are the chocolate habs are doing?  Did I miss an update?  Seems like yours were looking pretty good not too long ago and they always seemed to do pretty well for me indoors.
The top shelf is... mostly OK. The almas, of course, are still chugging along, working on their second harvest. The chocolate habs are flowering a bit, though not nearly as much as I'd hoped... at least one has set a pod very recently, but man, it's slow going. They look pretty good, but they aren't really doing anything aside from looking good.
The 21500s are just OK; they've been very slow (though the one at the office now has two peppers that are getting farther along). Lemon drops and the purple UFO are not that great; the latter is flowering, but they're dropping, and they're all consistently droopy. The ghost looks fine but doesn't seem to be growing much or even attempting to flower.  :confused:
D-day is Saturday, so there will be big changes. Hopefully the ones that go outside get a boost from that and the ones that stay in (with a severe pruning) take advantage of the fresh start.
After moving my off-pheno SL reds into Kratky-plug bottles as a test, one looked fairly good from the outset, and the other looked fairly screwed. It only dropped a couple leaves, though, and has started perking up, so that's nice. The datil I had in that setup had some problems but has recently jumped back. I think the Zapotec jalapeno is a lost cause, though. It's been sitting there with its first true leaves about a millimeter long pointing straight up for a week or two.
I have at least three SL red seeds sprouting, in addition to the one that's turning into a Kratky Dalek. Those will need potting this week, as well as two or three of what I think are probably hawk's claw (taka no tsume). That's in addition to what's coming from Justin at WHP... really hoping this hydro thing works out, because if it does, I think I'm going to have to start using it for all the new stuff. Too many peppers, too little space, too much maintenance, and I'm not sure I even can rearrange that room well enough to fit another tent in there and still keep it usable.
PaulG said:
l :shocked: king G :shocked: d, Mr. PT Monster!
Thanks! Hoping this ends up being kind of a reset.
Got Castile soap and a backup bucket on order. Going to do everything I can to get everyone clean, happy, and bug-free before they go back into coir.
Going directly into outside pots:
2x choco hab
1x lemon drop
1x 21500
1x alma
1x ピーマン
Potting down into coir, generous to murderous prune:

1x choco hab
1x UFO
1x ghost
1x lemon drop
1x 21500
1x alma

Potting up into coir, possibly mild prune:
1x goronong
1x fish
1x ピーマン

Germinated seeds going into a seed tray:
3x SL Red (maaaaybe this time?)
3x Hawk's Claw (also maaaaybe on the actual variety)
The ghost has for some reason gotten pretty excitable over the last week, and has a couple odd shoots that look very healthy. Thinking of at least pulling two or three of those off for cuttings, since I only have one of those. Same with the UFO.
internationalfish said:
Look, actual plants!


This is the bottom level of the tent (well, half; the rest is recovering basil and mint clones). Two goronong, which are nice and squat and bushy, despite none of these plants having been topped.

Also two Japanese bell peppers, which are flowering and fruiting like mad; a fish pepper, which is quite healthy despite not yet having an interest in producing; and my healthier white devil's tongue.

The less healthy devil is getting at least a temporary reprieve. My wife made me feel bad about chucking it, so I'm going to pot it and see if it just wants more root room. If that's the case, it'll likely become my third office plant.


Pyoooooob toppaaaaaah. :cool:
Looking good :clap: liking the growth and dare I say that I see flowers
Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Bro, if I could see flowers on those out of focus plants Id be the greatest sniper in history or nfl referee

Glad youre j bells are killing it
At the office now, where I keep a couple plants (soon to be three, probably) just to stave off the DTs...
J bell on the left, CGN 21500 on the right.

They share the shelf with the plants my coworker grows, which is where I first saw those little bottle plug things. She used to have basil; it got huge and I think she retired it. Now it's strawberries in the pink one and... I don't know what's in the green one.
PaulG said:
Office plants looking nice and healthy.
The CGN21500 is flowering nicely, to boot!
It's dropping almost all of them, though. Probably half a dozen a day. It has set two pods, but I suspect the combination of the office being too hot and the humidity being too low is hindering it. It's not having any problems, though, so we'll see how it does, and whether the J bell pepper fares any better in the same conditions.
Everything is flowering. :)

Still having some problems, but not nearly as much as before. About the only thing that doesn't seem to be growing is the Hulkroot fish pepper, though it doesn't seem to be dying, either.
Then there's this guy. Looks like crap no matter what I do, but still flowering.

internationalfish said:
Everything is flowering. :)

Still having some problems, but not nearly as much as before. About the only thing that doesn't seem to be growing is the Hulkroot fish pepper, though it doesn't seem to be dying, either.
Then there's this guy. Looks like crap no matter what I do, but still flowering.

Plants looking good, I suspect the last one is calcium deficiency so some bone meal can stop that leaf curl.