• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
Brief update: All six violent pruning victims have new leaves; the Purple UFO in particular seems to be pretty happy, which would be a nice change.
The larger plants that went outside are looking pretty much the same; the 21500 does not look good, but most of the others seem to be OK. Hoping the former just drops its leaves and starts over.
I have two hopefully-SL-Red and five maybe-hawk's-claw sprouts that are looking good.

Two of the seed types in the plugs have only been there for a little over a week, so those could just need more time, but the SL Red I put into the third plug had already germinated and hasn't poked out of the rock wool, which does not seem promising. If it's not up by the weekend I'll probably crack it open and see what's up.
We were in Tokyo's Korea town today, eating this...

...and then shopping for ingredients for the kimchi class I'm teaching on Saturday. We were walking past the veggies section and saw fresh peppers, which are basically unavailable here outside of this town.

Guys, this wasn't even my idea. My wife asked if I could grow them if we bought them. She didn't actually think I could, and got really excited when I said yes, so she picked them up and threw them in the basket (literally threw them; Koreans throw things).
So now I guess I get to grow Korean peppers. 
internationalfish said:
[edit: My 500th post. That's some pretty sadistic shit.]
You are the Energizer Bunny, 'Fish!
internationalfish said:
We were in Tokyo's Korea town today, eating this...
That dish looks just great. Actually made me hungry looking at it!
...and then shopping for ingredients for the kimchi class I'm teaching on Saturday. We were walking past the veggies section and saw fresh peppers, which are basically unavailable here outside of this town.
Guys, this wasn't even my idea. My wife asked if I could grow them if we bought them. She didn't actually think I could, and got really excited when I said yes, so she picked them up and threw them in the basket (literally threw them; Koreans throw things).
So now I guess I get to grow Korean peppers. 
That's awesome, both the lunch and the peppers!
Have you had a chance to sample them?
internationalfish said:
They have a very mild flavor and a pretty decent kick.
This is my first time starting seeds in rock wool, so hopefully I don't find a way to screw that up. 
Good luck with the RockWool. I found them
pretty effective. I especially like how easy the
starts are to handle when growing in the cubes.
PaulG said:
Good luck with the RockWool. I found them
pretty effective. I especially like how easy the
starts are to handle when growing in the cubes.
Thanks! After seeing some videos on YouTube of seedlings just pulling straight out to go into hydroton, I'm hoping it works well for my ridiculous little bottles.
A more substantial update, though it's mostly just incremental progress rather than anything particularly new.
My larger Sri Lanka Reddish is doing pretty well in his bottle. I killed about half of his foliage that was old, not doing that great, and blocking a lot of the new growth.

On the newbies, one SL Red candidate is looking OK, one lost pretty much his entire cotyledons to some kind of uber-helmet, and one germinated in the coffee filter but hasn't bothered to come up in the coir. The bottom red widget in this picture also has an SLR sprout, though it does not seem to understand rock wool.
The caribe in the middle back seems a little shaky; that's in one of the sponge things that came with these little Kratky plugs. The center middle is giant white habs in rock wool. I don't think they've been in there long enough to expect germination yet.
On the right and bottom are my possible hawk's claws, which are obviously happy. My luck with seeds from grocery store produce continues unabated.

These are the plants that got a serious haircut and had their entire beings washed to kill the bugs before going into coir+perlite. For once, the alma paprika is the slowest off the line, but they're all showing at least some new growth, in several cases quite a bit. So I'm pleased with this.

To their immediate right, the rain forest! Japanese bells, fish pepper, and white devil's tongue. I think all but one of these will go into planters outside when I decide to attempt that again.

Speaking of attempting things outside... the victims of my rather stupid attempt at hardening off are in the bottom of the tent. Most have at least a little bit of damage, but the CGN 21500 is the only one not showing any new leaves. I pruned the obviously dead stuff and am keeping an eye on it; if he doesn't make it, before I start moving them out when the weather improves, I'll replace him with one of the kids from up top.
Also pictured in the center is my new germination tray. I'm starting a whole bunch of Korean pepper seeds directly in rock wool along with half a dozen beets for my wife. Just started those, so no updates are likely for a while.

Rounding it out, the datil I started when I first found out about these little plug things is looking pretty good. Considering switching him out of his now-entirely-forest-green nutrient solution into a new painted bottle, though I'll need to make another large one before that happens (you can see the little ones in the back right). Hiding shyly behind his big brother, my bottled Zapotec jalapeno has his first true leaves after a blindingly fast... two months? Something like that? Speedy Gonzalez he is not.
On the right, in the blue and yellow uniform, my constant companion.
internationalfish said:
I forgot! The J bell peppers. These should get a little bigger and then ripen. This plant started another one recently, and I think there are more on the way from the other... one? Two? I can't remember how many of these I actually kept...  :surprised:
I read the link you put up about the j bells back when you first got them and it spoke about these having a bitter taste that kids tend not to appreciate.  What's your take on the taste of these?  They're great looking peppers and seem to be very solid performers.
Wermland said:
Hey man you seem to be getting some nice results from those LEDs!

Thanks! They're not top of the line, but I think they're good enough for me. :)

CaneDog said:
I read the link you put up about the j bells back when you first got them and it spoke about these having a bitter taste that kids tend not to appreciate.  What's your take on the taste of these?  They're great looking peppers and seem to be very solid performers.
I think they're delicious. Pretty much like a thinner, milder version of the more common, larger red and unripe green bells. It's just one of those flavors kids don't like, I guess.
Since I decided to switch my original Kratky plants, one datil and one (very slow) Zapotec jalapeno, to better bottles, I asked my wife what kind of tea she wanted and bought a couple liters. She hasn't gotten upset yet that I just dumped the tea into the two pitchers she usually uses for soup stock; I am a lucky guy.

Those empties got the spray paint treatment last night and should receive tenants tonight.
In greener news, the office plants look great! The J bell pepper I have here doesn't have conspicuous fruit yet, but it's started setting a whole lot of pods at the same time, so it should be getting really thirsty and fairly impressive pretty quickly. I'm excited for this one.

And the CGN 21500 I didn't kill is really killing it. It still drops a lot of flowers, but despite that, I counted 16 pods on this plant. :)

Either they're ripening very slowly, though, or this plant is only going to give me purple fruit instead of the cream+purple coloring I was hoping for. Going to let it go for a while before I draw any conclusions, but either way, very pleased with how this plant is doing, particularly considering it's in a low-humidity high-temperature spot.
internationalfish said:
Since I decided to switch my original Kratky plants, one datil and one (very slow) Zapotec jalapeno, to better bottles,
These 3, 5, and 6 gallon "Better Bottle" carboys immediately came to mind and I was thinking you'd be growing giants - http://www.better-bottle.com/
And the CGN 21500 I didn't kill is really killing it. It still drops a lot of flowers, but despite that, I counted 16 pods on this plant. :)
Haha - and the one you did kill will be waiting for you, you know, when it's all said and done... http://thehotpepper.com/topic/70224-growdown-throwdown-2019-sri-lanka-chilli-red/?p=1622784
Cool that the CGN 21500 is setting so many pods.  They look like the couple that have set for me, so that might suggest they're more likely to be colored as expected.
How are your JZ's doing that you said were so slow with their early development?  Are they picking up speed at all?
CaneDog said:
These 3, 5, and 6 gallon "Better Bottle" carboys immediately came to mind and I was thinking you'd be growing giants - http://www.better-bottle.com/
Holy crap. I could get maybe... two plants into my tent? 

CaneDog said:
Haha - and the one you did kill will be waiting for you, you know, when it's all said and done... http://thehotpepper.com/topic/70224-growdown-throwdown-2019-sri-lanka-chilli-red/?p=1622784
Not sure why I didn't think of this. Poor thing; I killed it and sent it to hell...
CaneDog said:
Cool that the CGN 21500 is setting so many pods.  They look like the couple that have set for me, so that might suggest they're more likely to be colored as expected.
So yours set this way and matured into something more like Pictures On The Internet suggest they should look?
CaneDog said:
How are your JZ's doing that you said were so slow with their early development?  Are they picking up speed at all?
That one is just starting its second set of true leaves, I think. It's really, really slow. I'm hoping it'll pick up speed after I move it into its new bottle with a fresh batch of nutrients tonight.
I went through and tried counting the pods setting on the J bell pepper... and there's at least 20 of them. That's going to be a seriously heavy plant; might have to look into supports for it so it doesn't take a dive off the window sill.  :surprised:
So, a have only maybe a couple CGN pods and they're no older than yours. I haven't seen what they ripen into, but it seems most likely both plants wouldn't have the same off pods.  The JZ are interesting because I planted a few when I first got the seeds and they did the same corkscrew antics with the stem as yours did and they started slow and never seemed to completely kick it into gear. I decided to start a few more with my recent annuum round and these came up perfectly straight and are growing gangbusters. Night and day difference the way round two is thriving and it's from the same seed.  Not sure the reason.
Your jbells seem to be strong productive plants. They definitely have some good genetics to contribute if you still plan to cross them with a hotter pepper.
CaneDog said:
So, a have only maybe a couple CGN pods and they're no older than yours. I haven't seen what they ripen into, but it seems most likely both plants wouldn't have the same off pods.
Ahh, right. Yep, that does make sense. 

CaneDog said:
The JZ are interesting because I planted a few when I first got the seeds and they did the same corkscrew antics with the stem as yours did and they started slow and never seemed to completely kick it into gear. I decided to start a few more with my recent annuum round and these came up perfectly straight and are growing gangbusters. Night and day difference the way round two is thriving and it's from the same seed.  Not sure the reason.
Huh, weird. Really weird that the squirrelly start is something both of us saw. The datil certainly did better than the Zapotec in similarly adverse fished-up circumstances, but I'm hoping getting it into the same kind of Kratky setup I know is working for my SLR hybrids will give it a boost. If not, I can at least say I gave it a fighting chance.
CaneDog said:
Your jbells seem to be strong productive plants. They definitely have some good genetics to contribute if you still plan to cross them with a hotter pepper.
Yeah! Absolutely still planning to do that, and seeing how well they're doing is exciting. I could probably start soonish, but I think I'm going to wait until everything I want to cross has actually fruited so I can be reasonably sure of what I'm crossing.
Here we go; re-'potted' the last of my super-sloppy algae farms. The datil did get an earlier start than Frank Zapo here, but the lack of growth is still ridiculous. I suppose you can probably guess which is which.
internationalfish said:
Since I decided to switch my original Kratky plants, one datil and one (very slow) Zapotec jalapeno, to better bottles, I asked my wife what kind of tea she wanted and bought a couple liters. She hasn't gotten upset yet that I just dumped the tea into the two pitchers she usually uses for soup stock; I am a lucky guy.

Those empties got the spray paint treatment last night and should receive tenants tonight.
In greener news, the office plants look great! The J bell pepper I have here doesn't have conspicuous fruit yet, but it's started setting a whole lot of pods at the same time, so it should be getting really thirsty and fairly impressive pretty quickly. I'm excited for this one.

And the CGN 21500 I didn't kill is really killing it. It still drops a lot of flowers, but despite that, I counted 16 pods on this plant. :)

Either they're ripening very slowly, though, or this plant is only going to give me purple fruit instead of the cream+purple coloring I was hoping for. Going to let it go for a while before I draw any conclusions, but either way, very pleased with how this plant is doing, particularly considering it's in a low-humidity high-temperature spot.
Love seeing all those peppers... yeah buddy :dance: