• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Four-Pepper False Start Glog

While I'm (successfully) growing plenty of herbs at the moment, the important stuff is obviously the peppers... and, since I'm pretty sure I baked the first set of seeds I attempted to germinate due to underestimating the power of my seedling heat mat after moving it into the grow tent, we're calling that a swing and a miss and moving on with Batch #2.
Tomorrow night they'll get the coffee-filter-in-a-baggie treatment and a hopefully-more-comfortable place in a lovely fluffy towel on the mat.
internationalfish said:
Here are those Korean sprouts again, taking their first drink in their new homes. I have room in the tray to bottom water these along with the hawk's claw and the final SLR reject, but those are in coir and these are in soil, so I figured I'd keep them separate. Yeah, my desk is a disaster of clutter.

After starting to plan four more varieties to fill out the top shelf... what the hell was I thinking? I'm already growing sixteen types of peppers, with a 17th probably on the way (giant white hab as a test for starting from seed with my Kratky grow-out mini-bottles), without even thinking about all the extras that will come about when I finally start crossing them with each other, which will hopefully start soon with J bell pepper x chocolate habanero.
Six plants in 1-gallon bags, ten (soon to be twelve thanks to those Korean newbies) in large planters ready to go outside, two (soon to be four) in the window at work, three in large Kratky bottles, two (probably soon to be three) in small Kratky bottles (and a pa~rtri~dge in a pe~ar tree).
28 plants. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with all the pods. I mean damn. I'm going to have to run multiple dehydrators 24/7 at this rate. 
Is this where we make the jokes about 'fish needing to scale back and soon will be swimming in pods?
Seriously though, there's so many cool varieties and it's so hard not to keep getting interested in new things then next thing you know you have too many plants to deal with.  I'm just trying to stay afloat until it's warm enough to get more than just my rocotos outside into the sun instead of inside under lights.
CaneDog said:
Is this where we make the jokes about 'fish needing to scale back and soon will be swimming in pods?
...he said, punnily, as he topped my page!  :mad:
CaneDog said:
Seriously though, there's so many cool varieties and it's so hard not to keep getting interested in new things then next thing you know you have too many plants to deal with.  I'm just trying to stay afloat until it's warm enough to get more than just my rocotos outside into the sun instead of inside under lights.
Seriously. "Oh wow, I ordered way too many types of seeds. I'll just grow half of them... twelve plants, that's still a lot for this little space!"
*tries growing local variety from grocery store for fun*
*tries growing seeds from dried pod bouquet to see if it'll work*
*tries growing from another fresh pepper for his wife*
*paints a bunch of bottles and puts plants in them for... uh... science*
*doubles everything to have a batch outside*
DAMNIT, fish... 

It was in the single digits C here for most of the weekend... I have enough of the outdoor plants in planters that I've had to rotate them between the cozy warm tent and the nearly-outside-temperature entryway (only other place in the house I can really put them). So far none of them have died.
The only planter that has isn't in the rotation is the one with my alma in it. I think it might have some tiny green sprouts, so I'm trying to encourage it. Really rather not have to start from scratch on those.
internationalfish said:
*tries growing local variety from grocery store for fun*
*tries growing seeds from dried pod bouquet to see if it'll work*
*tries growing from another fresh pepper for his wife*
*paints a bunch of bottles and puts plants in them for... uh... science*
*doubles everything to have a batch outside*
DAMNIT, fish... 
You got it right man; this is what it's all about!
internationalfish said:
Seriously. "Oh wow, I ordered way too many types of seeds. I'll just grow half of them... twelve plants, that's still a lot for this little space!"
*tries growing local variety from grocery store for fun*
*tries growing seeds from dried pod bouquet to see if it'll work*
*tries growing from another fresh pepper for his wife*
*paints a bunch of bottles and puts plants in them for... uh... science*
LOL, I feel ya man, especially the "for science" thought pops into my head regularly as well, seems to be a valid excuse for anything!

Hope the temps increase for you soon, and that you can clear out your hallway and tent...... and start that next round of experiments indoors! ;)

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lespaulde said:
LOL, I feel ya man, especially the "for science" thought pops into my head regularly as well, seems to be a valid excuse for anything!

Hope the temps increase for you soon, and that you can clear out your hallway and tent...... and start that next round of experiments indoors! ;)
Thanks, you enabling bastard! :D
Come what may, this weekend continues my hardening off, and the end of April marks my plant-out, if you can really call it that. I expect to lose the alma paprika; the ready replacements are basically either hawk's claw or some sort of Sri Lanka red hybrid... I think I'm going to end up swimming in not-quite-SLR's.
Next in line, if I actually grow something new, is WHP's Fatalii gourmet jigsaw x Large red Jamaican habanero F1. I owe that dude a lot, and growing out that cross should be a good start.
lespaulde said:
Haha, i just always feel it's less of a disease when shared with others, makes me feel (a little) less crazy!
Yeah, pretty much. At least we're suffering together!
lespaulde said:
Sounds like an awesome cross indeed, and a good way to keep the tent warm over the summer perhaps? ;)
Somehow I don't think I'm going to have a hard time keeping the tent full... warm, though, will be an understatement. The room it's in is going to be brutally hot; Tokyo summer is a nasty thing. Will need to figure something out to keep it from cooking my pods prematurely.
Hey .  Where did you pick up the Takanotsume - local pods or seeds or?  They're looking solid. 
The leaves on your hybrid SLR don't look all that hybridy to me.  You sure it's funky?  Either way, hopefully soon and pods shortly after.  I've been picking buds off my SL's for a while now, which is no easy task 'cause they're pretty prolific.  Would like to see some ripe pods even if just pics.
CaneDog said:
Hey .  Where did you pick up the Takanotsume - local pods or seeds or?  They're looking solid.
When I left my last job, instead of flowers, my coworkers got me a little bouquet of dried peppers. Pretty sure they're takanotsume, and of course, I had to crack one open and see if the seeds would sprout. 

It's entirely possible that's not what they are (or that my sprouts end up being hybrids). That's one variety I can easily order seeds for domestically, though, so if I'm wrong about the variety I do have that option. I'd probably also order manganji and start those if I went for retail seeds (though obviously from a local seller).
CaneDog said:
The leaves on your hybrid SLR don't look all that hybridy to me.  You sure it's funky?  Either way, hopefully soon and pods shortly after.  I've been picking buds off my SL's for a while now, which is no easy task 'cause they're pretty prolific.  Would like to see some ripe pods even if just pics.
Not sure, no, but everyone said it was off pheno when I posted it in the growdown thread. If it's actually right, then aside from being really displeased with those misdiagnoses, I'll see whether it explodes with pods in Kratky and maybe use that as my growdown plant. I'll get flower pictures up as soon as they start opening.
While I'm thinking of it: My outdoor plants continue to do well, and most of the six I cut way back and put into coir are also now budding, including my purple UFO. The mini Kratky bottle giant white habanero that I started just as a germination test is also coming up, so that's encouraging. Think I'll pull that out of the bottle and give it a bag of coir while it's still small so it can produce normally.
Plus, my alma paprika is alive! :) Slowly but surely it's growing new leaves. That's a relief; definitely would've sucked to have to start over with that one or miss out on it this season.
Man I don't think anything can stop your A Paprika. That thing's a beast!
So, check these out for comparison:
Devv's SLR leaves:
My Hybrid leaves - 2nd pic:
I see some variation in the SLR's that aren't the obvious Chinense hybrids and though I haven't see a great look at it I suspect yours is all SLR.
CaneDog said:
Man I don't think anything can stop your A Paprika. That thing's a beast!
Haha, yes it is. Definitely a fan of that variety; it might also make interesting hybrids at some point (hawk's claw + alma = upright tubby spicy paprika?). For now, though, just looking forward to getting the bottom of the tent cleared out and starting to grow out J bell x choco hab. Probably get some manual cross-pollination going this coming weekend.
CaneDog said:
So, check these out for comparison:
Devv's SLR leaves:
My Hybrid leaves - 2nd pic:
I see some variation in the SLR's that aren't the obvious Chinense hybrids and though I haven't see a great look at it I suspect yours is all SLR.
Yeah... despite the leaf curl (which I hadn't even noticed while taking the picture; that's nice and annoying) it does look more like an SLR than it does the hybrids. Hopefully it'll fruit in the next few weeks and we can be a little more certain.
internationalfish said:
Haha, yes it is. Definitely a fan of that variety; it might also make interesting hybrids at some point (hawk's claw + alma = upright tubby spicy paprika?). For now, though, just looking forward to getting the bottom of the tent cleared out and starting to grow out J bell x choco hab. Probably get some manual cross-pollination going this coming weekend.
Yeah... despite the leaf curl (which I hadn't even noticed while taking the picture; that's nice and annoying) it does look more like an SLR than it does the hybrids. Hopefully it'll fruit in the next few weeks and we can be a little more certain.
Fish's UTSP!
Is this your first go at the neutering/cross-pollination process?
CaneDog said:
Fish's UTSP!
Is this your first go at the neutering/cross-pollination process?
Yep. Previously I grew at least two varieties (cayenne and orange habanero), but didn't really have an interest in other peppers or hybridization... looking forward to digging deeper into this group psychosis.  :cool:
I've done about as much YouTube research and review as possible; don't really see the process itself being much of an issue. Got a bunch of wee zipper bags on the way, so depending on which of my plants have buds at the right stages, Wednesday night will probably be my first shot at it.
Just popped a lovely little CGN21500 into my mouth.

At least now I have a ballpark for where on the Scovie scale I start just trying a sliver of a pepper instead of the whole freaking thing. Clearly need to work on my tolerance, but then we knew that.
Was it fully ripe?  How did you like the flavor?  Looking forward to seeing some of the chocolate habs ripen for you.  I used to roast them in foil all the time then eat them on crackers with lime, salt, and goat cheese.
They're much mellower than the CG21500's though, so I suggest popping a whole one the first time so you can actually get a true appreciation of the flavor.   :)
CaneDog said:
Was it fully ripe?  How did you like the flavor?  Looking forward to seeing some of the chocolate habs ripen for you.  I used to roast them in foil all the time then eat them on crackers with lime, salt, and goat cheese.
They're much mellower than the CG21500's though, so I suggest popping a whole one the first time so you can actually get a true appreciation of the flavor.   :)
Yep, I think it was fully ripe. I like the flavor! I can actually still taste it; very pleasant.
Definitely looking forward to the choco habs. No thanks on going all-in, though, I think I'll start slower next time. ;) Sounds really good about the cracker snack; looooove goat cheese.