free Free 7 Pod Douglah x Trinidad Scorpoion morouga seeds - OFFER CLOSED

I owe loads of gratitude to this forum and it's members. I have been given lots of seeds either free or by trade. So now I give some back.

I have just harvested about 80 seeds of the 7 Pod Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion morouga F2 I have once been given by Junglerain.


I will divide them up in 10 x 8 seeds and sent them anyware in the World not only Europe.

So if you want some PM me your address and they will be shipped next monday as they need to dry a little.

I'd love to try it. Still looking for a thicker skin Douglah x Scorpion cross that is more like the Scorpion than the Douglah.
Every one that had sent me a PM is in, counted again and it is 10 takers so offer is closed now and maybe I will have some other seeds to give away soon.

Thanks all, Wouter
haha, that's fantastic. i hope someone from australia is getting some seeds, i want to see some pics of these plants this winter :-)
Thanks Chris,

I found it to be realy 7 pod like but I think a bit more fleshy.

I have two more pods hanging on plant to ripen, wanna see a picture of the inside?