free Free 7 Pod Douglah x Trinidad Scorpoion morouga seeds - OFFER CLOSED

Wow, that really sucks GUYS! If he does not get seeds out of the new flowers, I will be tryimg to grow this and will get you seeds as soon as I can
I thought it was a Florida thing with 2 getting snatched there but now MN too.. Spongey got his in California which is the first place I would have expected them to get confiscated. I wonder if they are intercepted at the state level or federal level. Maybe the inspector on the east coast is a pepper head. Maybe you should label them Orange Habanero seeds next time so they are not so attractive. LOL
Yeah shoulda had them sent to Mexico and then just "walked" over the border, nothing stopping them... Maybe that pepper was too hot for us here in the USA. I will be e-mailing them my thoughts on this. I won't post it here, since it will probably get me banned, worst part is now I'm on THAT list, and I didn't even order THOSE seeds... damnit man...
Sorry to hear about customs/seeds problems and would like to offer a suggestion on how to ship seeds over seas. Small Ziploc baggieswith seeds inside taped to the sides of greeting cards worked pretty well for us. Thought this may help.
if you write on the seed bag "red sweet Pepper seeds" probably that the custom will make no case with that if they open the envelope and see what,s inside.

anyway i received some seeds from you MIDO without any problem. the envelope wasent even opened or scaned by the customs.

best is to trade locally but sometimes (like me) we want some exotic stuff :)

i love the chritmas card trick :) even better if you add "happy birthday" or mery christmas on the envelope ;)
Sorry to hear about customs/seeds problems and would like to offer a suggestion on how to ship seeds over seas. Small Ziploc baggieswith seeds inside taped to the sides of greeting cards worked pretty well for us. Thought this may help.

Thanks for the tip and the greeting card is then put in an envelop I assume? I'm sending some seeds to the US next week also and would hate to get them intercepted by the customs.
Thanks for the tip and the greeting card is then put in an envelop I assume? I'm sending some seeds to the US next week also and would hate to get them intercepted by the customs.

You very welcome :) No need to use paded envelope if using greeting card system.Just put the card in regular envelope and as Hammerfall suggested to write on envelope Happy B-day or Anniversary etc. I think he got from us Happy Anniversary card. :rofl: :rofl: Got to buy some stocks in greeting cards company. :rofl:
You very welcome :) No need to use paded envelope if using greeting card system.Just put the card in regular envelope and as Hammerfall suggested to write on envelope Happy B-day or Anniversary etc. I think he got from us Happy Anniversary card. :rofl: :rofl: Got to buy some stocks in greeting cards company. :rofl:

Thanks. I'm gonna go for the Happy B-day card :rofl:
Well my Got taken by customs as well. I was looking forward to these too. I'm in Florida as well. Thanks for the effort though.

Wow this is strange, I have shipped pepperseeds for about 2 years all over the world and suddenly what?? 4 packages are confiscated. Is there some sort of extra control by customs going on or something.

Not sure if I wanna do this again as it kinda takes the fun out of it.
maybe you guys should ring customs and ask why they were confiscated,
it just might be a new guy on the job doing something wrong????
they confiscated seeds from me once just because they were labled C. Chinense and not Capsicum Chinense was some new dickhead who had done it and when I compained they sent them to me
you still might be able to get them...give it a try