food Free Cast Iron Give-away contest

moruga welder said:
meant to hit the number 9 , but no big deal frydad4 , won't go there my friend . still condolences to you SALSALADY !
Just giving you a heads-up to change your guess so you had a chance to win. 
~welder, you are in at 982 instead of 082.  It happens...  :)  it's all good~
Good guesses all around.
Mom's birthday was March 1, 1931.
315. I'm a cast iron virgin, but have been wanting to join the fun.
Ps. Sorry for your mom. Mine passed away this year as well :(
Thanks for the thoughts and thanks for the guesses.
I "think" there  will be room in the shipping box for a bottle of sauce.   
Hottoddy!  I'm hoping a CI virgin will be the winner, but the chips will fall where they will for the numbers. 
My condolences also.
That looks to be some very well taken care of cast iron.
671 for a great contest
610 please.
This was our wedding date.
Lucky number for us.
I'll make her fried chicken with country gray if I win.
rymerpt, Mom would chow down on that chicken in a heartbeat. :lol:
keep the guesses coming.  Noone has nailed it specific yet. 