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Free jar of my Marzano/Manzano pizza sauce. Contest

Hope I can post this here- wanted someone to win who would use it. Just post your favorite pizza topping and I will pick a random winner this weekend. 
Pizza sauce ingredient's: all from my garden
Roasted Marzano tomatoes
Roasted Manzano peppers
Roasted garlic
Roasted shallot
fresh oregano/thyme
Malt vinegar
Sauce has great flavor with a kick
I will say this, o e of my favorite pizzas of all time is from a place on Whidbey Island called Village Pizza. It's not on the menu but whenever we are there we order a "double clam / double garlic". So damm good on a Sicilian crust with fresh red sauce and a very light sprinkling of Mozzarella and Parmesean.
Scoville DeVille said:
If I could only take one pizza topping to a dessert island... PEPPERONI!!!!!

Sorry SmokenFire... I call bullshit. Arugula? Really? Your FAVORITE?
What's your second favorite, Kale? Soyrizo? Arugula isn't anyone 's favorite anything!!!! :rofl:
Shenanigans Scovie!  One of my favorite pies out here is deep dish spinach pizza from Lou Malnatis.  So I went and had the arugula pie at Spacca Napoli and it trumped the spinach at Lou's.  So my new favorite pie is Arugula/black olive/red onion.  HSIT IZ BOMB I TELL YA!  
slade122 said:
They add a whole different level of flavor to a pizza. Not to mention, they have been used as a "secret ingredient" for pretty much... well... ever.
 A nice anchovy puttanesca  with his tomato sauce and pig skin noodles would be so dank
I don't take part of contest since i'm outside US, but mine probably are buffalo mozz and tomato puree.  :P
SmokenFire said:
Spacca Napoli.  Great pie and cool story on the place.
Those are REALLY good looking pizze. I hope some day to be able to cook something like that. Where i live maybe just 1 pizzeria make stuff so good looking (and maybe not as good as, spotted crust looks great here).
Out of interest, that prices are regular on US for a pizza?
Of course if they are higher than average it's more than justified...