Free Pure Evil! CLOSED!

I have no idea how you have done it but I bow down in awe!!!
One care package arrived today (My 4 year old daughter has claimed the necklace - I won't see that again :rolleyes: )

Had a sneaky little try to see what I had got myself in for.....I have absolutely no idea how you have managed this but it is incredible......Seriously hot mind, You smell it and it seems almost sweet (not what I was expecting compared to the 12mil extract I bought last year which almost smells metallic). To taste, it's almost completely neutral and yet it carries almost pure heat :fire:
I take my hat off to you - can't wait to try and make up that hot sauce as well, the sheer smell of the packaging makes my mouth water but I'll wait until I have a chilli challenge coming up for that one ;)
I'll certainly be using the Pure Evil in some creations this year - My Fire Sausages might have a new level to them ;)
Thank you so much for the wonderful goodies
MR2Jay77 said:
I have no idea how you have done it but I bow down in awe!!!
One care package arrived today (My 4 year old daughter has claimed the necklace - I won't see that again :rolleyes: )
Had a sneaky little try to see what I had got myself in for.....I have absolutely no idea how you have managed this but it is incredible......Seriously hot mind, You smell it and it seems almost sweet (not what I was expecting compared to the 12mil extract I bought last year which almost smells metallic). To taste, it's almost completely neutral and yet it carries almost pure heat :fire:
I take my hat off to you - can't wait to try and make up that hot sauce as well, the sheer smell of the packaging makes my mouth water but I'll wait until I have a chilli challenge coming up for that one ;)
I'll certainly be using the Pure Evil in some creations this year - My Fire Sausages might have a new level to them ;)
Thank you so much for the wonderful goodies
You are very welcome, Jay!!!  I'm glad everything arrived in good shape,  and that's great to hear your little girl got the necklace.  :lol:
re- extract metallic taste- That's a very common comment.  Once a person has tasted extract or a sauce with extract in it, you can taste it a mile away. 
Make the hot sauce now!!!  it will keep! It is literally dehydrated hot sauce.  It has vinegar in it and will keep just fine once it's rehydrated.  
Anyway, thanks for participating, thank you for your kind comments and ENJOY!   
I would love some, or am I too late to the party? Just joined this forum like 4-5 days ago.

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thanks for your interest, but....Sorry mikeyd.... :(  This closed a while ago....  note the "CLOSED" in the topic title.  A lot of offers or contests will have the normal title while active, then the poster will put "closed" when it's done. 
Not To Worry, there will be plenty more offers of lots of goodies and seeds from lots of people here on THP.  ;)
:welcome:  !!!!