free Free Rocoto Seeds

Hello all...

So I've harvested the seeds from the peppers in this thread...

And they're free to a good home. I bulked all the seeds from the smaller peppers, but the two monsters I'm holding in my hand I've kept separate and have labeled one "Monster Manzano Orange" and the other "Monster Rocoto yellow." I know there's not necessarily a correlation between the size of these peppers and the size the seeds will produce, but these two were definitely two distinct varieties, and finally ripened to 2 distinctly different colors, so if you plant seeds from one of these two lots, at least you'll know what you may end up with.

Anyhow, if you'd like some, drop me a PM, and they're yours. Ive got a ton of bulked seeds, so you'll receive a bunch of those, as well as a few of each "Monster" pod.

If you've got any of the following to send my way, that would be appreciated, but this is really just a giveaway because I've got such a surplus of these things.

Looking for...
Ulupica/Rocopica or any other wild varieties
Trinidad Perfume
Chocolate Habalokia
Tepin of any kind
Arivivi Gusanos

Cheers folks!
I have perfrume's growing but no seeds I can send you those in a couple of months if nobody else has any.

I'd love the Orange or Yellow Rocoto seeds :D
Alright everyone, I've got a bunch of PM's so it looks like these seeds may be all gone. I'm going to get everyone's packages together tonight, and if there are any left, I'll post an update here for the remainder. If you've already sent me a PM, you should have your seeds soon. I'll PM everyone when their package is sent!

Thanks for all the trades everyone, and I wish you all bountiful harvests. Enjoy those Rocotos/Manzanos/C.pubescens or whatever you wish to call them, and for God's sake post pics of them and their pods when they grow!

I can send you some Pequin seeds. I also have some ulupica, but haven't been able to get them to sprout, even after 2 months on a heat mat. Youre welcome to try. I'm in the middle of a move and can send them in about a week. Just PM me your address if interested.
Holy shite, it's hard to keep up with this stuff when you give away free seeds!

Pepperlover, seeds are going out soon. All I have is outdated 39cent stamps, so going to the post office this weekend to ship of international seed and get some stamps. Apologies for not returning the PM, but your seeds will get there in time. Promise...

LuckyDog... ummm... Yeah, sorry, read above, seeds will go out ASAP. Maybe not in time for this year, but next year you'll be up to yer ears in thick skinned yellow tounge burners!
No Problem -- Thats cool -- Im going to plant them for next year anyways. My postman wanted me to ask because he is getting nervous with me standing at my mailbox everyday like an eager puppy :lol:
FIVESTAR, I wasn't looking to trade . I have plenty of Rocoto seeds. I was just offering you some seeds that you were looking for(gratis). Members here have been very generous to me, and I'm just trying to pay it forward. Let me know.
Glad to know the got there! It seems somewhere in my drunken deletion of PM's to eliminate addresses, I've accidently deleted 2 PM's that I'd intended to get seeds to. They should both be Aussies, and I know one is not Chiliman, because I'm sure I sent his seeds out. If you're an aussie, not Chiliman, and requested some of these seeds, drop me another PM please, and I'll get your seed out. Sorry for this blunder folks!
FiveStar said:
Glad to know the got there! It seems somewhere in my drunken deletion of PM's to eliminate addresses, I've accidently deleted 2 PM's that I'd intended to get seeds to. They should both be Aussies, and I know one is not Chiliman, because I'm sure I sent his seeds out. If you're an aussie, not Chiliman, and requested some of these seeds, drop me another PM please, and I'll get your seed out. Sorry for this blunder folks!

Thanks Heaps FiveStar,
this Aussie got his and planted some today also :)
Awesome JungleRain! Let me know how the turn out. They're sure fun to watch sprout cause they're such fast growers.