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Freeze Warning for Michigan

Thanks. I saw it too. Might be game over for my garden anytime now. :( How depressing. I have hundreds and hundreds of green lemon drop pods on the plants. :( I'm guessing I have 300+ green tobasco pods too on the plants.

Oh well, I can't fuss. I've had a nice year. Mother Nature will take it's course. I have WAY too much garden area to cover. :)


Last year, I had a hab plant loaded with blooms and pods in various sizes. I dug it up, put it in a pot and brought it inside. Of course, all the blooks dropped off in time but I ended up with well over 100 ripe pods before the bugs overtook the plant. Didn't have any special lighting - I stuck it on a table which gets only direct sunlight for a few hours in the morning hours. All of the pods of any significant size at all ripened.

Something else to consider???I`ve been de-hying them then grinding them to powder and that works great for a dry rub or such.Just an idea. Rich
I'll be gone over the weekend, so I'll cover them all this morning. Would hate to see frost warnings on the TV and be outta reach!!! Good luck to y'all!
Here in Manitoba, we aren't strangers to "ccol" nights. I've been covering my garden at night for a week or so. Might harvest this weekend with temps only going up to high 50's all next week - and freezing every night. I'm with cmpman1974, though...I've also had a nice Summer.
My plants took a nice hit last night..lost some. Much frost damage on others. How depressing. First frost was 30 days later last year..DAMN!

cmpman1974 said:
My plants took a nice hit last night..lost some. Much frost damage on others. How depressing. First frost was 30 days later last year..DAMN!

Dang Chris sorry to hear that.Man that sucks.Not to be a bummer
but my weatherbug thing just beeped,turns out tonight same thing.More frost advisories.
Most of my C.Chinense I can say good buy only dozen plant in pots I put in the basement,those in the garden are loaded with green pods never had chance to ripe will loose lot of nice peppers outhere.Next year I will start my plants early in the basement & put in the garden first week of June to be on safe side not like this year I start the plants twice that is the reason my plants never had chance to ripe in time before the first frost learn leason big time want get burn again.
Man it sucks seeing people losing their plants.This yr has been so screwy weatherwise.I got mine covered again but it probably
wont frost or freeze by me due to the lake but I aint chancing it.Chris it is b.s. that after tonight 60's and 70's.I really
wanna b*tch smack mother nature :)
lol...I know the feeling. :) I'm hoping a few survive. If I can get 1-2 more weeks, it would yield a lot. I put some large pots in the greenhouse today. It doesn't offer much cold protection, but it'll be enough hopefully to stop damage today.

It was sad to see a Rocoto plant with 40-50 large green peppers wilt due to frost. :(


HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Man it sucks seeing people losing their plants.This yr has been so screwy weatherwise.I got mine covered again but it probably
wont frost or freeze by me due to the lake but I aint chancing it.Chris it is b.s. that after tonight 60's and 70's.I really
wanna b*tch smack mother nature :)
Just finished covering the garden, peppers, moved stuff inside the garade and went over to my friends garden (my remote garden) and covered lal that too....been a busy night.
It is so cold here in south-east England and I've just left the plants how they normally are, the poor things. I was that cold this morning that I couldn't sleep, right now I'm all wrapped up in my duvet like a sausage roll and it's too cold to get up and put the heating on unless the duvet comes too.
R.B. You need Gunner!!:lol:Little F*cker has gone from
sleeping NEXT to me to sleeping ON me!!I cant imagine
how he will take the trip in a week hunting all day then
cold nights!! :lol:Not sure how G/F will take it,Her,Me
and Gunner using a queen sized bed lol
But on a serious note I hope your plants are ok!!
My dog Murphy is downstairs whining to be taken for a walk in the wind and rain but I'm so warm and cuddly all tucked up under the duvet with the hot pepper, so he'll have to wait. BTW I mean I'm not actually tucked up in bed with the hot pepper himself, oh you know what I mean.